Episode 22

Published on:

24th Oct 2024

022: Sparking Joy and Setting Trends: Nicole Ashlee On Permanent Jewelry, Charm Bars, and Finding Your Passion

In this episode, we chat with Nicole Ashlee, a passionate entrepreneur and admin of the Charm Bar Chat on Facebook. Nicole started her permanent jewelry journey in July 2022 after taking a course through EverLinks, launching her business, Endlessly Linked, in the beautiful Hudson Valley area of New York. With a background in competitive gymnastics coaching, Nicole found herself craving something more fulfilling and exciting, leading her to explore the world of permanent jewelry.

Initially, Nicole planned to juggle both coaching and her new business, but her passion for jewelry quickly took center stage. This year, she expanded her offerings by adding a charm bar to her business, a fun and customizable experience for her clients. We dive into the details of how the charm bar works, including the creation of charm necklace holder, which she designed & sells! and the thought process behind stocking the best charms.

Nicole shares the importance of professional photography and strong branding, which have played a key role in her success. She’s also ventured into the trendy world of trucker hats, adding a new layer of creativity to her offerings.

Throughout our conversation, Nicole gives us the inside scoop on where she sources her charms, her thoughts on possibly moving into wholesale, and the best ways to stay ahead of trends in the ever-evolving world of permanent jewelry. From birthstones to charms to rope chains, Nicole is the perfect person to brainstorm and dream with as she continues to set intentions and grow her business.

Tune in for an inspiring discussion filled with tips, ideas, and a whole lot of passion from Nicole Ashlee!

Connector/Bangle/Glow Up Training

Goldie Links Society


Endless Charm Bar Instagram

Endlessly Linked Instagram


Jen Thyrion: Hey there, I'm Jen Thryrion and I'm so glad you're here. I'm a former nine to fiver that dove into entrepreneurship eight years ago with zero business experience. I'm a wife, mama of two young girls, boutique owner, jewelry designer, and now the proud owner and coach leading Goldie Links Permanent Jewelry.

I have a passion to empower fellow business space. This podcast is made to equip you with everything you need to succeed from actionable marketing steps to digging deep on your mindset. I know firsthand the heart, hard work, and let's be real. At times a struggle that makes up this amazing journey. You wanna know what has enabled me to shine the brightest Coaching Plus community?

Here at Goldie Links we share openly, educate and lift each other up. Expect to get linked with fellow PJ owners that will do just that sprinkled with plenty of fun along the way. Competition is an old school thought and connection is the way. Get ready to feel inspired. Welcome to the Goldie Links podcast.

Hey there. Did you know that we offer handmade permanent jewelry supplies? Go to GoldieLinkSupplies. com to view our beautiful chains, connectors, bangles, and more, including our non permanent stretchy bracelets that are available to you for wholesale. Everything is created by our tribe of mama makers.

What is a mama maker? Stay at home moms that create on their own time between raising their children, serving as a self care creative outlet and supporting their families. Your items come with signage on how these supplies are made along with gemstone property info as each gemstone has a special meaning.

If you want to level up your business with handmade supplies, not made by a machine, but made by hand with love, then check it out at goldilynxsupplies. com. Now onto the show. What an amazing conversation you're about to tune into. I have Nicole Ashley from Endlessly Linked located in New York. I actually reached out to Nicole kind of on a whim.

She's the admin of the Charm Bar Chat Facebook group. I noticed she was selling a product she created where it's holding the Charm Bar chain so you can easily adhere the charms and oh my gosh, it is such a game changer. So I wanted to ask her to be a guest to talk about how Charm Bar has added to her business.

And so if you're considering adding a charm bar, you already have one. This is a great episode. But not only that, we talk about all things, permanent jewelry. We talk about trends, bangles and everything in between. So enjoy this combo with Nicole. I know you will love her as much as I do. All right. Hey, Nicole, thank you so much for being here today.

I'm so excited to chat. Hi, thank you for having me. I'm so excited. And I said, chat. I'm like, charm bar chat. I love it.

Nicole Ashlee: Love it. Um, you know, when I thought of that, I was just like, I wonder if there's something like that, you know, a name to get into it right away. I mean, nobody had, nobody would have started anything.

So I went on Facebook and I just looked it up and no, I was like, you know what? Let me create that.

Jen Thyrion: I love it. I always say the word chat. Like that's like, I'm like turn bar chat. Yes. I love it. I love it actually. So let's go back. So reason I reached out to Nicole and she pretty much just met me virtually like a week ago.

And I was like, Oh, Hey, like, I just, I, I just came across this Facebook group and I know she was the admin. So I'm like, okay, that seems like a solid, like, let's do this interview. Like really didn't know about her kind of went with my gut. I was like, Oh yeah, what's your Instagram? Like maybe I should look into your business a little bit more.

Um, let's start there since I actually want to get to know you better. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Like when did you start permanent jewelry? What did you do prior? Like, tell us who you are.

iabetic that was diagnosed in:

started permanent jewelry in:

My step mom does this wine, tribal vineyards. I'm sure everybody's kind of heard of

Jen Thyrion: it. Actually, no, tribal vineyard.

Nicole Ashlee: Yeah, unfortunately they, they had closed down, um, I think they stopped doing, you know, the home parties and things like that, but I was at a wine party with her and my dad, of course, tags along to all of these things and is still tagging along to this day with all of our shenanigans and the permit jewelry and such.

But, um, I was like, Oh my goodness, how should I, so let me backtrack a little bit. Everlinks. I took my course with Everlinks. Great girls, great people, was super excited to get started. And, um, and I love that they also offered a payment plan, which was great. I was at this wine party and I was like, should I do it?

d coming in. This was July of:

And where are you located? We should say that. Where are you located? I should, I should probably say that. I'm from New York. I'm the Hudson Valley area. I'm about an hour and a half hour outside the city. Okay.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. I like, I love your accent. That was one of the first things. I'm

Nicole Ashlee: in New York.

Yeah. I just started getting my stuff in and my first pop up in September hometown and my friends and family came out to support me. And yeah, it was, it was a great, it's been a wild ride, a wild ride. Really?

Jen Thyrion: So how was it starting? Cause obviously did you have any jewelry experience at all prior? Like you, cause yeah, speak to that.

Like you're, what were you doing prior to permanent jewelry?

Nicole Ashlee: So I actually coached

Jen Thyrion: gymnastics competitively.

y up to the competitive team,:

Didn't go to college for it, but, um, it's been pretty cool. You know, my initials actually are N A S, which Random fun fact, um, are in the work gymnastics, G Y F A S C I C S it's like you're meant for it. Yes. Yeah. So it's literally been like almost the only job that I've ever had and have had a huge passion for,

Jen Thyrion: um,

Nicole Ashlee: other than permanent jewelry.

And honestly, it's so

Jen Thyrion: cool that you went from like passion. Everyone has different, like, obviously journeys and, you know, into adulthood, but it's like, you took your passion as a child and literally made that a career. And so it's pretty cool. Like, do you want to continue? Like, say permanent jewelry, obviously, whether, you know, it's popping off to the point where you, would you want to do it full, full time and not do the coaching anymore?

Or is that like something you just love?

Nicole Ashlee: So, okay. In the timeframe of the permanent jewelry, I look when I started the permanent jewelry or let's say endlessly linked. Cause that's the company. Yes. So when I had launched endlessly linked, my, I wasn't too happy with coaching anymore. I was kind of, My athletes were bringing me the happiness, although they do all the time, but it was almost like I, I wasn't, I just wasn't feeling it anymore.

And I was happy and excited to see them, but I just, I couldn't get back into it. I was miserable going to work every day, needed a pick me up and not for nothing, but I prayed. I prayed for something like this and God delivered. I am super, super, super, super thankful for this. I had asked for it. But I wasn't happy at, you know, where I was, and I just needed something to bring the passion and the fire in my eyes.

And, you know, so, you know, when, as soon as I was at that party, I was like, this is it. Like, I felt it, like, so excited. Like, I could. Oh my goodness. The excitement could not be

Jen Thyrion: contained. No, but that's honestly to stop you really quick. Like that's actually a perfect, cause some people listening to this, like there's all walks of life, listening to this, of like, whether on their permanent jewelry business journey, whether they haven't started yet, whether they just started, whether they've been here for a while, but like, it's literally, I'm such a gut feeling person.

I, it's only steered me in the best directions. Like. Literally like leaving my hometown and moving to Vegas, like random stuff. I did not, I didn't have a job. I had nothing planned, but it was like a gut feeling. Right. You know, and again, and also like turning in and like you said, praying and asking whatever you believe in, whether you pray or meditate or, you know, it's like, it's like, and then when you're more in tune with like how you feel.

It's like, that's, what's going to direct you into, you know, cause some people like fight that feeling too, if they're not happy in their career anymore. Like, you're like, wow, this was a passion my whole life. And like, this is how I saw it when I was a massage therapist. I was like, Oh my God, well, I shouldn't complain.

Like I get to talk to people. I love people. Like it's such a chill business. I get to be in a room with someone. No, one's breathing down my throat. But in the end I did not, I got to a point where I was not happy and I couldn't fight that. You know what I mean? I was like, this is not fulfilling and I can't try to justify it.

I just have to go with how I feel and not feel bad about that either. Right. So it's like with someone listening to this and you know, whether they're thinking about permanent jewelry, it's like trying to tune into those feelings. Like, yeah, when you're around it, do you get like super excited? Are you super excited for a second?

But then you like, you move on and you're like, then you're excited about something else. It's not really something that keeps coming up for you. Like, then maybe that's a good way to tell, like, even when you're in this business, what direction do you want to go in the business? Like. There are a lot of different things.

Once you're exposed, some people are like, now I want a silversmith. Now I want to make my helmet handmade jewelry. Now I want to do this. Like the, the business is evolving so much that you can go in like charm bar, which we're going to talk about. Like, is that your, is that light you up? Or you're like, ah, charms.

No, no thanks. Like, that's so cool because we can like listen to how, you know, you listen to that whisper, I guess, right. Or that like gut feeling of like, is this really pumping you up? Like, you're like, heck yeah. You, you just get so excited and like revives your, your, you know. Passion for life.

Nicole Ashlee: So I think that, uh, the question that you would ask me was that, did I want to do this full time or did I do the jewelry while I was coaching and stuff?

So I, my initial goal was, was to kind of do both at the same time because I didn't know permanent jewelry was so new. There was only, As far as I'm concerned or that I know of, there was one place in the city, they're called Catbird. Really cool. I got a chance to go in there and check it out. Really cool people, great space.

So that's the only place that I knew of. And I know what, we need more city things, you know, big popular towns, cities have really cool, fun things. And in the Hudson Valley, I want to say in the last two years, we've been having so many more businesses pop up, not even just with, with permanent jewelry, but like, T shirt making, cupcakes, candles, people are starting to do like more things and be more creative and hands on.

And it's just been so fun to see everybody kind of start their own business within the last two years. All of like the cool things that the city has, like they, um, we have three speakeasies opening up. In like three different counties and stuff around me. Like it's so cool to see people like start new things, but it's just, it's just interesting.

So I didn't know how permanent jewelry was going to like take off or launch. But from what I like from my excitement, I was like, this is going to be huge. And I was like, you know, I love gymnastics, but I think 10 years is. decade in an industry is kind of like, all right, I mean, maybe I should, you know, cause I was already coaching competitively and maybe, you know, maybe I could coach for a college team or something like that.

So it's still a goal of mine, a goal of. And with gymnastics was, um, teaching the deaf gymnastics, which I thought was really cool and or coaching a college team or something like that and owning my own gym. And so it's, you know, it's on the back burner because those are huge things. I feel like especially owning your own gym.

But, you know, right now I've made a name in the gymnastics world and that sort. But now, you know, with the permaculary, I just kind of like. You know, maybe this is for me and there's so much growth in it, you know, even the charm bar is so, I'm excited. And that's

Jen Thyrion: what's fun. It's like, you know, that's what's so cool.

I mean, yeah, sky's the limit and there's a million things. I mean, but you could combine these two loves. That's what's so great about being an entrepreneur. It's like you can, if you want to own your own gym, like you could have like a permanent jewelry corner or a charm bar in it. Like it could be really unique, right?

Like you could do whatever you want, which would make you even more special. And then gymnasts obviously can't wear permanent jewelry. Am I right or no?

Nicole Ashlee: So, yes, but I had put some on my athletes and they put the tape and then they put the athletic white athletic tape around their wrists. So that has worked, you know, and I coached them.

So I was like, you know, I'm not going to shut guys down from your permanent degree. And you know, I do get cheerleaders, soccer ball play, you know, soccer at volleyball, you know. All of the things. So I, I do tell the moms and stuff. I'm like, well, if you're not a flyer or, you know, if it's off season, what I do for my policy is I'll cut it off, keep it.

And then I'll reweld it back onto you. No problem. You know, it's free for a lifetime. Once you're endlessly linked, you're endlessly linked forever.

Jen Thyrion: Love that. Yeah. Perfect name for it.

Nicole Ashlee: Yeah. I don't think I even actually talked about how I came up with endlessly linked. Jump off that way. So I felt that we're all endless.

We're all linked in some way. The universe is endless. This comes with, you know, the praying, the meditation and, you know, higher power in general. But yeah, I think we're just all endlessly Connected in one like the tree of life of the family, you know, even in the America under one God, you know So it's just like it's I thought endlessly and it's one complete whole circle life is one whole circle, you know You know, the crazy part is is that I still do coach gymnastics And full circle moment here is I actually now coach at the gym that I did gymnastics at.

That's amazing.

Jen Thyrion: I know there's a lot of full circle moments. Like it's so funny more and more. I do this and the connections I see, and I'll be like, I know one customer and I didn't know she knew another customer I met from somewhere else and like, it's just so crazy how the world is so small and it is.

And again, I like endless is also just. Like you said, full circle, like connection, right? Endless. Like, you know, it's like, we're all searching and wanting connection. I think that's what also is bringing the most fulfillment in our lives is connection. So I think that that's why I love permanent jewelry so much, because obviously, as you know, you know, people are coming in and getting connected with their, with their most favorite people and we're all.

Yeah, exactly. Um, but yeah, really quick with the athlete stuff though, cause I never talked about this. I, and it's funny because again, everyone's going to have their vibe and because you are this, like athlete and you are, you're already in that world. I think people would be really attracted to like you versus maybe like you were against me.

They'd be like, yeah, I'm going to go with her. That's not an athlete right there, but no, but it's like, you know, you just kind of fall into these groups of people that like feel connected to you. Actually the whole word connected. Right. Or like drawn to you. So it's really great, but the tape thing. So I get a lot of this too, where I have young girls and they're in sports and they're so discouraged that they can't get something.

So I have to say, if no one's tried it, which I'm sure most of you, maybe I've said this, but like, depending on which sport they can do like a sweat band over, if they're able just to keep that on. or tape. And that seems to work really nicely for everyone that really wants one. And they just do that for, or if they're, if they're at a sport where like, they can't have the bracelet, but they can do an anklet because they're covered with socks or, you know, things like that.

Like you can work your way around it. And same, what do you say? I of course always weld reweld for no charge, especially if you have to take it off for like a sport or MRI or whatever, but also too, if you want to have a clasp on it for a little bit and then come back and get a permanent, I will put it on for free.

You know what I mean? Like. Just kind of working with people that really want something special and they want to be a part of it, the whole service of it all, but maybe they feel like they can't because some sports can be really strict

Nicole Ashlee: and gymnastics in general, you can't, you know, have any, you know, your hair has to be glued back here, have anything on been really cool, especially, you know, sometimes.

They, I, you know, I haven't even introduced myself. Maybe I'm busy or something. I'll be at an event and the mom will be like, Oh, you can't, you have cheerleading or something or, Oh, you can't, you have dance. And I'm like, well, um, I actually coach.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah. Tell me the beginning of endlessly link. So when you started, because I looked at your like social media and of course it just looks amazing by the way, you do a great job with social.

Are you getting, are you getting photography done? Like what are, what are you doing for your social? I want to talk about that really quick.

Nicole Ashlee: So I actually feel like that I'm not doing enough. I feel like as an entrepreneur, we wear so many different hats. I just want to backtrack real quick to the sweatbands who said, now that I'm thinking, you know how people do, sometimes they'll give like a care card basket, like they'll put the card in, they'll do the era thing and the soap or something.

I'm thinking you have a brick and mortar, or if not, you can probably get them like your logo. Like I can get endlessly linked on a white sweatband or white with, and have like just an advertisement. Like my brain was just like, Oh my God. That's a great idea. You're

Jen Thyrion: right. If it's someone like you feel you do for some reason, get a lot of athletes or say you're doing a pop up.

Cause I've been approached to, to go to like a cheer competition. And I'm like, okay, well, cool. I'll probably approach, uh, appeal to a lot of the parents, the moms, but what if the girls could get it? And then they, I already have it set where I'm like, Hey, well, here's what the end of, you know, I don't know.

Cheer would allow that. I know some sports over others again, but it's still, it's a great, thing to have. That's amazing. You know, depending on what your demographic is, for sure. If you get a lot of athletes, but

Nicole Ashlee: you know, and then just talking about inventions or just things and thoughts, the entrepreneurs and me, I thought about during COVID, I created a leotard with a pocket in it at a lawyer, trademark, all that stuff.

stuff. So I have a leotard with a pocket in it where girls actually competed at the state meet. It was up in Rochester one year for region six. If anybody here is listening and coaching gymnastics, yeah, they, they wore it at the state meet. We got pictures. The chairman came over to me and said, who invented this blah, blah, blah.

, really cool. So this was in:

Right. So, you know, but if you, I feel like if you have a brick and mortar, you have more, not that you have more time, but you kind of have, you can create a space in your brick and mortar to kind of have that background, that backdrop, girl, my kitchen table has stuff all over. I'm like not trying, I can't like keep having, you know, all these things all over my house.

So yeah, it is. Yeah.

Jen Thyrion: That's amazing. So do you care to share a resource for that? Or do you, how does it work? Endlessly be purchased where people can like, you know, or is there so many you have proprietary, like, you know, is it just your photo or no, obviously. No, no,

Nicole Ashlee: no. It's not my photo. I would love, and I can share and send you the links.

I would love to share. I just don't know off the top of my head who it was. Cause it was this year. Like January was like last. November that I purchased them, but they're my camera roll. Like my photos from what I've heard or seen, I feel like does Everlyn's offer or I

Jen Thyrion: know, I don't through a long time, those training, but I do know that ever links in the other one, I believe they had some stock photos you could use, but no, that's just great to know because I mean, I definitely noticed.

And that's one of the things I knew from the beginning of starting my permanent jewelry business. Cause I was in business prior was how important social media and your photography is because as you know, when you try to take your own photos. With like your iPhone and don't be wrong. There's amazing cameras on iPhones now, but it's just not the same when you're trying to like, take this luxurious, like beautiful chain.

Someone's buying for like 80 plus dollars for a bracelet and you're trying to take on your iPhone. And it's just like, it doesn't translate the same, right? Like you want this, like want this. Look for your brand to kind of get a perception of it. It's like what it would look like if we could compare. And honestly, I was almost like, makes me want to do this.

It kind of gives me this idea of like creating a grid where it's all iPhone photos of like, or professional photos and like seeing the difference in your perception of that. Right. So like for me, cause I do have Goldilocks society where it's a membership. I do offer photography in that. And for that reason is because, and I'm always trying to get ideas of what people need for photography, because I do know that was one thing I'm like, that definitely needs to be a part of the membership because that is.

So important and that could totally change your business by just having that presence. So you do a great job though. Yes.

Nicole Ashlee: Great idea. Thank you. And I'll send that to you after. Afterwards. Yes,

Jen Thyrion: please. We'll put in the show notes and stuff. We'll put it so you, we can find out later. And um, but that's awesome.

Good to know. That's so cool. So speaking of social, really quick, 'cause I noticed you have. separate because we're going to get into this. Well, let's start there. Let's go here first. And then we'll talk about that. So you, like I said, mentioned before how I even like quote unquote met you was because you're the admin of the charm bar chat.

It's a Facebook group. And if you're interested in starting a charm bar or have an existing charm bar, I totally highly suggest it. Of course, because there's great information in there. When did you decide to start the charm bar in addition to your partner jewelry?

Nicole Ashlee: I want to say January. December, January, December, I started seeing a lot more of it on, you know, man, I don't want to say our phones listen to us, but I mean, oh my goodness, like the amount of things.

So I actually, and this isn't, I don't think this is big yet, but something separate that I actually started another Facebook group that is not like open just yet. What is it? Can you tell us? Is this a sneak peek? I don't know if it's going to be big or maybe it's not big. But do you remember the Italian charm links?

Yeah, they like pinch your skin almost, like they're Oh my goodness, I Again, I can send you the picture and everything. So it's like they're individual, they're not dangled charms. They're not something that you put on with jump rings or

Jen Thyrion: clasp Oh, but they're almost like They're almost like strung on, like they're like a bead.


Nicole Ashlee: not, it's metal, it's stainless steel, you know, maybe it was just a New York thing. I don't know. But I'm like, what? Okay. If when you get the chance, type in Italian charm bracelet. Or just Italian bracelets. That's what they're called. I mean, if it were me, I would call them pinch links because they like, could pinch your wrist jokingly.

I wanted to, that's what originally like started off in the charm, like bracelet thing. And then I started seeing the charms and I was like, wait, that might be a little bit easier. Now, I don't want to turn anybody off to doing the Italian bracelets, but, um, because that's definitely something I think I also want to get into still.

I just felt that You kind of

Jen Thyrion: find solcing for that pretty easily, like you

Nicole Ashlee: can find So, I'm still trying to find a supplier, and I think that's the hard part because there are a lot of people out there that say that they sell such and such, and it's just Not such and such so I feel like that's a hard talking about the charm bar or just anything that's not I guess permanent jewelry related because in the permanent jewelry world as a wholesaler you either have to put your EIN in or you have to actually apply.

Jones and Findings in Rio and Hailstead and all that stuff they're like legitimate companies and businesses that have been around for years. I feel like Especially like a, a stainless steel or gold plated quality, you don't have to have, you know, any of that information. So it finds, it's really hard to kind of find, I guess, decent quality, um, because people do want to live in the jewelry.

So I guess one thing that I come across when I'm having both the charm bar and the permanent jewelry at the events is reminding people, Hey, this is our permanent jewelry. So you can live in this one. The quality is not the same. As the time bar. So how I introduced it is I say, Hey, this is endlessly linked, endless charm bar.

And then I'll say what

Jen Thyrion: I just said. Because that's why I asked. Cause you do have two separate social medias for both as well. So I don't, I just combine the two, but like, cause honestly, of course, the permanent jewelry is more my, my thing. Don't be wrong. I bring, I can't always have the charm bar at every event due to space.

So for me, I bring it to private events and I have it very selectly at publicly. But. I same. And I think that's one of people's concerns. I'm glad you said that because when they are adding charm bar, they're like, well, Like say someone with permanent jewelry has a lot of solid gold and they feel like they're more elevated with their, you know, their pricing and stuff, it's like, and then we're going to introduce this plated stainless steel charm bar.

And it's like, I understand that. And I feel like my business, I mean, I definitely have a little bit of everything. I'm not going to lie. I have some stainless steel, but I mainly am 14 karat gold, Phil sterling silver. I do have solid gold, but I have a lot of handmade chains that I do like a lot of the gemstones.

I feel like.

But yeah, so the, I feel like that alone is very elevated the handmade obviously. So it's like, but my, my point in saying that is I, I make it very clear for them to be separate. They actually kind of even look a little separate. Like when I, if I have them at the same event, one has like a different, different colors than the other.

Like my brand colors are a little different. You know what I mean? Okay. And I'm very clear. I'm very clear about like, yes, this is not to be worn in the show. We're working out, you know, and like, and obviously you would think people could figure it out due to the pricing, but that's not always the case.

I'm like, I'm like, what do you, what do you charge for your chains for the charm bar? And I'm assuming they're stainless steel and, and, or gold plated, right?

Nicole Ashlee: So my, you know, you were saying that there's a visual, so I will say that my permanent jewelry table is a brown and beige and my charm bar is white.

So I do the different, um, and not that they don't look the same. So people kind of do kind of, you know, um, but they're under tent usually if I'm outside at a big vendor event or something like that. The thickness is also different. You know, you're not going to wear some chunky, I mean you could, you're not going to wear a really big chunky thing permanently all the time.

So I mentioned, you know, it's not really comfortable to live in a, you know, relatively thicker chains, I feel like, you know. But here I am wearing a bangle.

Jen Thyrion: I know what the bangles are becoming. I have a couple on too. Um, I, I, I actually want to get to, I do want to get to that with you too. I feel like we could talk for five hours, but, um, I did send her Instagram, how you're doing bangles, but it's actually from a specific brand.

So I want to talk about that. Cause I know a lot of people are like making their own bangles and I have bangle training as well. I'm going to plug it because of course that's there for you if you want to learn how, um, but there is a company which I want to get to, but, okay. So yes. Separate looks because actually for me, funny you say that my table for printed jewelry is very like gold.

Like I have like this Goldie velvet like tablecloth and it's very like very neutrals, right? And then my charm bar is actually pink, like pink tablecloth. I wanna that. And yeah, so it's like kind of like I'm trying to make my signage more colorful and not be so neutral because like I want it to be like, okay, the charm bar is fun.

Of course the permanent jewelry is fun, but it's more like every day. 'cause neutrals are every day, right? Charm bar, kind of more loud, more like fun, you know, just like fun, crazy charms, you know, because I mean, I don't know about you, but I mean, I definitely have some beautiful charms, but I have some weird whack charms too that people like love, like, you know what I mean?

Like of like a freaking Starbucks cup charm and people are like, heck yeah. Like, you know, it's like, really, you want to wear that all the time? Okay, cool. Or like a pizza, it's like a pizza slice of pizza charm. Like, okay. So it's just more fun, obviously. And like a lot of little will do it, you know, versus getting a permanent, right.

Because that's just. How fun is it for like a five year old to pick out all these fun charms, you know, so

Nicole Ashlee: I what else is it? Oh, I do eventually would love to later down the road I mean even when endless charm bar is maybe two years established or even a year Transition into a gold filled charm bar is something.

I don't it's something I don't with endlessly because I feel like those arms of hermit jewelry is so expensive to invest in and to have bulk amount is just, it's so, it's

Jen Thyrion: so hard. Yes. We just had a call with the golden link society. We were talking about this because some were hesitant again, not really feeling the terms, but also being like, well, I'd like to do the gold fill.

I'm like, well, that's actually funny to say that. Same. I was like hoping, but you know how time flies. I was like, for me, I was hoping around the holidays to kind of introduce like a small gold fill and take it from there, maybe grow with it. See if it's popular first, but this is where it poses a problem.

And I want to ask you, so when you're doing an event and you have both. Are you, do you have someone working with you? Are you always by yourself? Do you have help? Like, how does that work?

Nicole Ashlee: So, I am a one man team, mostly. I've been from the jump. It is very hard. And man, when I had asked for this from God, he said, Hang on to the sign.

He's like, you asked for it. So I do actually, it's funny because I follow a few charm bars on my personal account. Um, I love to stay in the loop with what everybody else is doing and get inspo from everyone. There's this, uh, charm company. They're called Lay Charms or Lay Charms. Uh lee charms something's like maybe it's it's le and then charms they're in sarasota or uh, yeah No, not sarasota.

Um, oh my goodness. It's upstate new york. Sarasota's in florida. Silly me. Saratoga. There we go And she just put out a hiring thing and I was like, you know what? Maybe should I I don't know I get so skeptical But just because you know, i'm just nervous and that's a big step for me, you know, it's gross You know, am I really at this point?

Am I really you know there and i'm like, what? Wow. Actually, I am. You have, you know, um, my, one of my sister's best friends does help me at events. A few, two of my best friends help me with whoever's really available. They've gotten their hands on. I don't, I didn't mention this and it's not on endlessly, but I do have a hat bar.

Um, I did jump on the bandwagon. I did jump on the bandwagon with that. It's called at Hudson Valley hat bar. Um, So

Jen Thyrion: tricker hats or wide brim hats,

Nicole Ashlee: Rucker hats, visors, bucket hats. Fanny packs. I'm trying to do it all here, but how do you do that all yourself?

Jen Thyrion: Because when I do an event, I have both. First of all, when I'm at a party, it's different because there's more time and it's like, you can leave the charm bar alone.

And that's, what's also someone who's questioning it or how they're, how would operate it. It's like, it's easier because, you know, someone's just putting something together in a tray. They're looking through a million charms and trying to make up their minds. You don't need to be there, like servicing them, you know, in every step of the way.

And like, You know, you only need to put the terms on for him, right? When they're ready. So for me, it's like, I'll do permanent jewelry and usually it's very separate from that table and then they'll, they'll kind of out, sometimes I'll have a pile of them, you know what I mean? Like, so whenever I'm free from permanent jewelry, then I'll start putting the charms on.

But when you're in an event. I always have someone help me with the charm bar. I've taught someone how to put on charms because that's obviously, you know, what they're going to do is, you know, permanent jewelry. So I do have someone at an event because usually events, people wanting to obviously get it done and go and not like hang out at a party.

Right. So tell me how you do it all then. Oh,

Nicole Ashlee: how I do it all. So actually we can go back to last past weekend. I was at my local mall, which is Crystal and Galleria mall, and The vendor, I love her, the girl that hosts and gets all the vendors in, she had, you know, she's going to get as many vendors as you can in an event.

And, you know, there are some pros and cons to that. Everybody should be able to offer things, you know, as long as we can get into talking about having two permanent jewelers at one event, we'll, we'll get into that. At this mall event, um, they had a 10 year old. With her parents. It was her first vendor event.

It was a 200, uh, sorry, 100 vendor fee for the mall on a Sunday and she's 10 and she makes bracelets. Yeah. It was so cute. And then behind her a little bit off to the side was another girl. Uh, not that it matters a little handicap on the side, just giving everybody their chance, you know, also making bracelets.

So I was like, Oh, okay. Like, you know, people are going to buy whatever they want to buy, whatever. Right. But then behind her was another girl who was doing a charm bar. Charm bar. Now, I had signed up for permanent jewelry and the charm bar because in my spot, I get like an L shape. So, I put one six foot table with the charm bar and another six foot table for permanent jewelry.

So, I had felt that I didn't want to take away one from the ten year old, two, I didn't want to take away from the other girl, and then the charm bar as well across the um, court from me. So, I was like, you know what? I'm not going to put the charm bar out, although it is six foot. I don't want to say it's a fast money maker because it is more time consuming than doing the permanent jewelry or, you know, let's take a paperclip style chain.

It's really fast to just link it in and zap, you're done, right? You know, you're opening and closing all these jump rings, you know, if they have five charms, three charms, nine charms, you know, it's a little more consuming. It's not as a higher price point than the permanent jewelry, but. It's still quick and easy relatively, you know?

So anyway, I have an L shape and I had social I had posted that the Charm Bar will be at the mall. So I had my followers show up. They were like, where's the Charm Bar? Where's the Charm Bar? And I'm like, I'm sorry. Like, I was like, there's a 10 year old right over here. It's her first thing. And I was like, there's another Charm Bar over there.

So I didn't want to take away They were like, that's so nice of you. Like, you're so sweet. That's great. But then they were like, I want your charms. So then I did have my trays in my carry on from when I was going to my car to the spot. And I, uh, put them behind all the chairs and I still laid everything out.

It just wasn't visible to like on a table. So I had five people come and make bracelets and necklaces, you know, I just laid them out. I give them a, so here's my process. I give them a try. I say, pick your tray, pick your train. They lay out their chain and then they pick all their charms. I always say, you want to pick odd numbers.

Three, five, seven, or nine, the heaviest lays in the middle. And then when you're done, give me your tray and we'll get creating it. But when you're by yourself and event for permanent jewelry, my head was down. I am very thankful and so blessed for this event. I didn't have time to go to the bathroom. The 10 year olds mom came over to me.

She's like, are you hungry? Do you want to eat lunch? She was like, do you need to go to the bathroom? So, um, I. Gave her my card, she went downstairs, got me food. Didn't get to eat until I was done, but that's besides the point. So while my head was down, I still had these three bracelets and necklaces to create.

Luckily, we're in a mall, so I said, you know what, give us 20 minutes, go walk around, go shop, and then they'll be done. So, the line started stacking up, stacking up, and I wasn't able to get to the bracelets. She comes back 20 25 minutes later, and I'm like, I'm so sorry, they're not done yet. So, what I do, the answer to your question after that whole speech, was that I mail them out if they're not ready yet, which is unfortunate because people do want to walk away with something that they've bought.

But, you know, when you don't have the help, because not every event that I, I do, luckily this Saturday, I have a Permit Jewelry and Charm Bar event, I have my, my helper coming with me for that one. So, you know, that'll be There's

Jen Thyrion: a helper that, like someone you know?

Nicole Ashlee: Somebody I know, I only feel comfortable with somebody I know, you know, I don't know, I, I just I don't know.

You, my dad, well,

Jen Thyrion: hearing you and if you care at all, what I, what I have my suggestion is, yeah, of course I'm like hearing you, you definitely need help. And you know, I think that although people can be understanding, yes, I feel like. People love to walk away with something. So it's like, I feel like that would be, that was actually one of my reasons why I make these half beaded things that you can put on permanent jewelry, because the reason why is I was creating these full size beaded where it was like a beaded bracelet, but could be permanent, right?

There was loops on the end, but you have to create so many different sizes of those, because as you know, someone could have a super tiny wrist, someone, you know, so of course the one that someone wanted would always be the wrong size. Right. And I'm like, dang it. And you could tell they were just so disappointed.

And I was like, well, I can go home and like, make it. It's not like chain where I can cut on the spot. I have to restring it. Right. So I'm like, well, I can go home, but you could tell they were just like, they want it then. And even though they liked that one, it's like, they want it then. And like, also I sell and make stretchy beaded bracelets.

Same if I have them there and I, or I'm wearing some and they're like, Oh, do you have some here to buy? I'm like, no, actually they're online, but they have no interest. Like if I swear to God, if they were right there, they would sell. But because they have to take the extra step and go online and like they really can't try them on, it's like 80 percent of the time won't get a sale, you know?

So my point is though, someone you know of course obviously is a shoe in, you know, but I was gonna say if you know enough people of your followers who are like kind of obsessed That's a great way because like I, how many times I've put stuff out to my followers, like in my stories, be like, Hey, I'm looking for someone who wants a little side hustle or some extra cash.

Some people are just dying. They almost want to do it for free just because they love it so much that they're like, yeah, I want to help you. Like, I like you. I want to be around you. And like, I want to help put on charms. Like how fun is that? I think if anyone's thinking about it and in your position where they're like, okay, you definitely need some help.

Um, there's no doubt about it.

Nicole Ashlee: So I actually forgot to mention this. I had the 10 year old because she makes, she was making bracelets. I come over, I was like, do you want to help me? Do you want to make, um, a bracelet for me and a necklace? So I paid her for her time, of course, but her parents were like, thank you so much to send that.

And even after I was done with my permanent jewelry, I was like there's a 10 year old over here. Her bracelets are 3. So they all went over there and had purchased from her too. So it was great. But she. A bracelet and a necklace for me because I was so slammed and the mom just noticed and she was like, no worries, no problem.

But from what you're saying, maybe even at a mall event, you know, especially I can do like a make and create your own. They I'll have like three or four trays and they can just sit and make one at the mall themselves. Even if

Jen Thyrion: I don't have help. Exactly. Exactly. You work your way around it, which I have to say, if no one, if anyone does charm bar or want to, there.

It is a little bit of a pain to where to put your chain when you're putting on your charms. So Nicole created a charm, like necklace holder. It's funny. So I went to her group and I randomly, I don't know if something was posted in the group that came up in my feed naturally anyway, but it might've been your holder.

And I, maybe that's how I, then I, I, one thing led to another and I'm like, Oh, she's the admin of this group. Oh, like, and then that's when I was like, so I I wanted to order one from her, which I received and it's so well made. It's amazing. And it's perfect because when you're putting charms on, And you obviously have to do it on the same side of a link.

Right. You know what I mean? Like , you have to do it like the same, so they're enough. The charms aren't like lopsided and going, one one's going up, one's going down. Right. And it sounds so easy and simple, but when you're laying out the chain on the table and you're trying to do it, or say you have a necklace display holder thing, you could try, but it's not very sturdy.

So like what she has is like a wood base and then she has little, I don't know what you call it, like

Nicole Ashlee: paint steel. Um, oh man, like it's like,

Jen Thyrion: it

Nicole Ashlee: was the most simplest design, but I, it is simple. Thank you so much. I'm going to ask you about that. And how was it if you got a chance to use it at all?

Jen Thyrion: No. Yeah, I have used, I actually haven't been to an event with it.

I'll be actually an event tomorrow night. So I'll give you an update and I'll take a picture too, you know, and again, all the show notes and all the information will be below and we'll link to it and stuff. Yeah. It's. It's like, it's simple, but it's perfect. I mean, plus two, they come up so you can like, you know, when you want to transport it, you don't have to have them in the base the whole time.

If it makes, if this makes any sense, trying to describe this, but, um, it's perfect for like taking it with you. You can just throw it in your bag. Like it's awesome. So it's perfect. A little solution to hold your chain.

Nicole Ashlee: I keep it right in my carrying case. And, um, so what I was using before was the white necklace.

It literally had like no neck and it was just a stand, right? I'm sure we've all seen them. So you have to keep picking up the necklace. And you, like you said, make sure it's on the right one. And maybe you did them too close. So it's really easy to see that visual of when it's, you know, held there. And I just, I love it so much.

My dad makes them and stuff. So I'm like, dad, this is so great. Like everyone loves them. Yeah. He's happy. Everyone's enjoying their charm bar holder.

Jen Thyrion: That's so cool. I love it. It's all in the family. Hey, busy entrepreneur. As you know, being a business owner, you have to wear all the hats. You're a social media manager, marketer, graphic designer, accountant, photographer, videographer, web designer, business code scheduler.

And the list goes on. I know how overwhelming it can be, and this is why I created the Golden Link Society. It's our monthly permanent jewelry membership. We have a weekly call to talk about all the things, but not only that, including monthly photography and video to use for your social media and marketing, Canva templates, monthly business activities, monthly training, support group, discount, and first dibs on Goldilinks supplies, and more.

My intention is to create a beautiful community of permanent jewelers that want to level up their businesses together while creating lasting friendships and having fun. This is what I wish existed when I started my business almost 10 years ago. If you want to know more, check it out at goldilinkssociety.

com or at allthethingspermanentjewelery. com. I hope to see you there. So, okay, well, let's go back to like, I don't want to say go back, but when before, what's that? We didn't talk about prices. I kind of like jumped over that. Oh yeah. Let's do that. Let's do that. Because I'd love to hear, because actually it's so funny.

I'm somebody who kind of like, granted, I had a charm bar prior in my brick and mortar little boutique. So like I had already like the prices I had for my charms over there, but I'm always curious to hear what people are doing because I kind of just, I don't know if I'm the industry standard or not. You But what are you charging for your chains and what are you charging for charms?

Nicole Ashlee: So whether it's gold or silver necklaces are 20 and bracelets are 15 and each charm is five I feel like having five five and five makes everything easier understandable It's clean. It's it's not the three dollars and the four dollars and the seven dollars, although I am trying to create a website and I would then definitely put the prices like that on there but when I and then maybe stop the charm bar pop ups because then it's like then you got to make sure you're only You Selling the $5 ones and things like that.

But I don't know. Charm bars are really popular, especially because, because it's so hands-on and creative and, and it gets people off their phone and more involved and people like being, doing that and watching and, but for my prices, the charms that are either four 50 to buy or even maybe $5, it kind of makes up for the ones that are a dollar 50 or $2 to buy or, you know what I mean?

So, okay.

Jen Thyrion: Yes. And this is my thoughts about it too, because again, I've been buying charms for a very long time when it comes to my brick and mortar. And so like, I do have a little bit of variation over there because it's, it's different, of course, like you're ringing up at a register, it's, you know, but actually we, we actually are pretty on point because what I do, I do 16 for my chains, but I do 6 for charms.

So it kind of like evens out with the way you're doing it versus what do you know, I mean, because you're higher for chains, but you're lower for charms and I'm vice versa. So I do 16 for chains. I do offer like pearl necklace ones too. And I do 22 for those.

Nicole Ashlee: Okay. What about bracelets? Bracelets

Jen Thyrion: I do, um, 12.

I know that's really low. I feel like, and then I also have the, the bangle. Kind to that. They can just slip the terms on stainless steel or they're seeing the steel. Yeah, but actually now that you say that five five five Yeah, it's it's actually easy for them to understand I can compute that.

Nicole Ashlee: Yeah, the math becomes easier and then those five five But then it's everything eyes.

So it's three five, seven nine, you know, right? I

Jen Thyrion: like

Nicole Ashlee: that so back to what I was saying when we first started talking was the Bar in the city. It's called Brooklyn charm in New York City. Oh, I know them I

Jen Thyrion: was

Nicole Ashlee: at an event in Brooklyn and I was like, um, this was in January, way before I started the charm bar or December.

And you know, I feel like for me to get the most experience to understand what my customer will be buying and going through, I should. Go there and figure it out and see how I like it and see if I enjoy it. And it's something I really want to offer. So, um, I went to Brooklyn charm. It was so cool just from like opening the door and starting like, so the girl introduced me, I, you know, you had to put your name in there.

They text you. Um, so I went and had lunch, had an espresso martini. Gall called back, went in there, but I was by myself, so I guess that's the only thing that I would change about the experience is that I didn't bring friends. And they had so much of a selection, but one thing that I really, really loved about their store or just their concept was that, and I'm sure there are other people that do this too, is that they have a piece of paper where you can write what charms you have and how much it is.

So at the bottom, you come up with So I really, really like That and I was like, you know what, eventually when I grow, I would, or if I get a brick and mortar because that is the goal, then, you know, I would offer that there's a third charm bar that I follow her. I think her name is girly pop on Instagram.

She has like at all of her vendor events. She almost has like three six foot tables at all of that. It's so cool. And it's so cute. And I'm like, how do you keep track of everything? Is everything 5? No, so I would really love to just go and experience all of these charm bars because it's fine. But yeah, that was something I really loved about, um, Brooklyn charm was, was that they, it was different prices for everything, but 5

Jen Thyrion: definitely just makes it easier.

I agree. And like you, like you said, it's kind of the same way I deal with like permanent jewelry and my pricing for tiers. It's like some you're paying a little bit more, some you're paying a little less, obviously sterling goldfield, but I keep it in the same tier. Same thing with charms. I'm psyched. You know, obviously, like you said, some are going to be not as big of a profit margin, but then most likely they're choosing another term that you have a 90 percent markup.

You know what I'm saying? It's just, it's really, it ends up evening out rather than, this is so funny, like when I first thought of having the term bar outside of my brick and mortar and doing, and doing it like this, I was like, I'm going to have colored stickers on each little, like, you know, and be like, okay, red means five green means six.

And I'm like, okay. Oh my God. Do you know how complicated that would be? Like, as you know, you're at a busy event, you have a million people trying to check out. It's like, this is so easy in my square. It's like 16, 6. And that way to explain it is so easy. It's like, this is all 16. This is all six. Boom. You know what I mean?

Like that's it, right? Yeah. It's like, so I did away with that real fast because in the end it's, if you're going to be really, it's too hard with charms to try and like have the same profit.

Nicole Ashlee: Yeah.

Jen Thyrion: You know,

Nicole Ashlee: I was going to do that. My hats was have the green, pink, yellow, because of all the patches and stuff.

I was complicated. And I just came up with like a little sizing chart, which I'm a lot of people. I didn't come up with it, but I saw it. A lot of people do it is like extra small, small, medium, large, whatever it is, how much it is, but, um, you know, when I'm checking out with somebody for the charm bar, it's just.

You got five charms. So it's, no, it's five, 10, 15. The average price for, I feel like a charm necklace, people usually get five charms. So it comes out to like 45, you know, which is, I feel like the average American price

Jen Thyrion: that people pay for. No, agreed. I feel like normally it's around 50. Like I would say like 50, I feel like is the Average, right?

You still have some a little less, a little more. I've had people put like 13 charms on, right? So like that's obviously

Nicole Ashlee: the option for 13, but I, I, you know, I say the more, the merrier, especially on a bracelet. It's so fun. But on my permanent jewelry prices, I, in the beginning I used to go silver and gold, just one price each.

So my sterling silver was 55 and my Goldfield was 65. But then I was like, you know what? It's not really fair for me to buy the big curb chain or the Fogaro chain and all of those chunky cool chains, especially the ones that are 180 for, you know, a meter or something like that. But then I'm like, Oh my gosh.

So then I love it. I was like, you know what, let's do a tier system. So I have three tiers. I don't offer at popups solid gold only because I don't feel comfortable carrying that with me. You know, they can preorder, uh, Request it, and then I'll bring it up, pop it, something like that, or a private event. But yeah, I do 55, now, and it just makes the most sense.

Jen Thyrion: So when it comes to business, permanent jewelry versus charm bar, like, do you feel like they've been pretty equal in popularity? How do you feel like you're, you know, profit wise, like, how does it compare to, you know, to each other?

Nicole Ashlee: I read, re read your email, um, before accepting the link and stuff. And I was like, you know, did you feel comfortable talking about, I don't mind talking about it at all.

And so I was like, you know, I should probably know this information before I go on. So I logged on. Where and I looked on and it said that my gross for last year and maybe I don't know if I'm looking at it right but it was 23 and this year at this time I'm making 26 so I don't know you know what actually now that I think about it the hat bar and the charm bar is under one square so that makes it sense now i was like why do i why that doesn't make sense to me right now but that makes sense because all the hat purchases all the charm bar purchases are all under endlessly linked yeah so that's so i really i guess i can't really compare the permanent jewelry because i wasn't doing the charm board or the hat bar last year yeah that was that Or was I even looking at the right thing?

Because that's not the yearly. The yearly was 50 because I got my two backs from square and it was 50. That's right. Okay. I was looking at the wrong thing. You're

Jen Thyrion: fine. You're fine. Well, I mean, guess really too, like, how do you feel? Cause I think maybe some people, I know I was worried about this a little bit.

It's like, is someone going to see the charm bar, see how much like, okay, it's cheaper and they're going to decide to go with that versus get permanent jewelry or, you know what I mean? Okay. Or are people getting both? Do you feel like that's common? Or, you know, like, how do you feel they serve each other or do they?

Nicole Ashlee: I feel like, you know, and it's really hard to tell right now because the charm bar really just, you know, started off and like launched really this year. But I have been in events where nobody has gotten a charm bracelet. And everyone just goes back to the permanent jewelry and it's I feel like it's an og it always be alpha It'll always roll over everything else It's also a better option for the moms or dads whomever guardians who don't want their children to really get the permanent jewelry So when you have the charm bar there, it's like a really great option for this five or six year olds or seven year olds You know that want the fun thing or you know, your cheerleader soccer player that athlete again, you know that really wants something Play with so, you know it I feel like it's a really cool party concept too.

I did get to What is it a request for kids parties? So something I did want to offer but don't offer right now is like I mentioned before was the make and create so that i'll have all the tricks and the tools and all the girls can kind of Do the charm bar and the moms she was like, well, can moms be involved and The moms will just get the permanent jewelry.

And I was like, sounds great to me.

Jen Thyrion: Exactly. I mean, so far it's served me for, you know, I know I, I haven't been doing it a ton and really introduced it, you know, for parties, but I, I have a handful of experience now. And I think that people, it doesn't replace permanent that by any means, because again, permanent is just like so dainty and every day, no one's going to want to wear a charm bracelet every day.

You know what I mean? But what I think too is how it is helpful is yes, charm bracelets exist. But for me, at least I feel the term necklaces are a little bit more popular. Well, I shouldn't say a little bit. I'd say 70 percent necklace, 30 percent bracelet for me, because usually if people are getting permanent pieces, again, most popular is bracelets.

Right? So a lot of people are nervous about a permanent necklace. They're like, Oh my God, I could never wear that all day. La la la. So that way, like at least the charm bar, they can get a necklace, right? I mean, you can make it as simple and as crazy as you want it to be. And then also too, it's so great for gifts because no one can gift permanent.

You know what I mean? So like, at least that's there too, where it's like, if it's, I always say we're coming upon Christmas because I know we're in July still, but from in my retail mind, I'm like, Christmas is around the corner, you know? That's literally in retail. It's like boutique life. Like you're literally thinking about that right now.

So it's like, but so I am, and it's great. I advise you to think about that right now in permanent jewelry, prepare yourself for Christmas because I don't know about your Christmas experience with permanent jewelry, but it's really not as popular around Christmas time because people are gifting other people and they don't want to spend money on themselves.

So how can you serve the customer still by gifting charm bar might be one of them, or you can introduce again, a small gold fill one, or, you know, There's just kind of start thinking about that, you know, because it's always helpful rather than being upon November and you're like, Oh my God, what do we do?

You know, we're not going to have many events for the next two months. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. It just, so anyway, I think it's helped each other is when I, you know,

Nicole Ashlee: Great. And even anklets, I've done a few anklets, which was fun. Cause the beach people, you know, we don't recommend people wearing in the beach or water, but people can do whatever they want to do.

And funny, you mentioned like the Christmas in July or just Christmas being around the corner is that. I have, I don't, I don't want to say I don't have that brain, but something I actually don't think about often or haven't like, it's like, I see people posting about, you know, when it was 4th of July, it was May or June people.

I'm like, wait a minute, we're only in May. Like, what are you doing? No,

Jen Thyrion: it's wild. I know.

Nicole Ashlee: You know, it's something that that's something I have to get better at as I just thought about it the other day. I was like, you know what? Maybe I should find Christmas because all the shell charms are out now and it's like, that's gone.

It's August. You know, it's done. I know

Jen Thyrion: it's funny. It's like, it's such, it's just like push and pull. I don't know how to say it. Like what's the right term for it. But it's like, obviously enjoy where you're at. We're in July, we're in summer, but in the business mind, and then I'm going to Michael's I'm seeing that like Halloween is up and I'm like, ah.

And that literally does get me, make me crazy. Cause I'm like, no, we should be enjoying. We're in the middle of summer. Why are we pushing it and trying to get Halloween shoved on our throats? But in retail world, like for your business, it's just helpful to plant the seed, right? And be like, maybe just jot down some notes or brainstorm.

So you're not like upon it. Cause I've done this so many times in the past with me, my handmade jewelry. It's like, Oh, I'd love to do like a promo for like Valentine's day or mother's day. And then before you know it, it's February 1st. And I'm like, Oh, I'm all of a sudden trying to think of a promo. It's like, this is too late.

Do you know what I mean? Like we're too late here. So it's just helpful to like, kind of, you know, just think about it, brainstorm it, you know, and maybe that will be a factor in you wanting to try the charm bar because of those things, you know, to kind of make it more giftable, I guess.

Nicole Ashlee: I do, you know, do gift cards and stuff for the permanent jewelry.

Sure. A lot of people do, but it's still hard because you're not walking away with something that you bought right away, you know, I know, I

Jen Thyrion: know. And so far, I don't know about you, but with the charm bar, I've already, people have like, say I did a party recently with the charm bar and permanent jewelry and someone would get permanent jewelry, but they also got a charm bar necklaces for gifts.

So they just got like simple ones with initials. And cause honestly, when you're looking at the charms, everyone thinks of somebody, like they see a certain charm and they're like, Oh my God, that's so whoever, or that's, you know what I mean? So you. You think of there is they are a great gift because they're very specific and cut and custom.

They're really special.

Nicole Ashlee: One of the one of the bracelets a 10 year old did in the girl that walked away went shopping and I was like, come back in 25 minutes. It was for her to besties because it's like a wedding gift. She's like, Oh, give me, you know, And a bachelorette, uh, my friend just got some for her bachelorette party.

And I was like, she was like, she likes cats and flamingos. And I'm like, this is great then let's do that. Yeah. It's so before, you know, when you reached out to me, like you said, we, when we first met, like a week ago, I was, I binge listened to like all of your podcasts because I was like, I need to listen to all of these.

So I of course listened to one and two, like you said, and then I checked out your website, love your website. I listened to nine and 16. I forgot which one it was, but both were amazing podcasts. I didn't know you spoke at PJX, which was pretty awesome. Oh, sweet. Were you, were you there? So I have not, the first year I was like, I'm going, I'm going, and then, you know, couldn't make it.

Last year I was like, me and my friend, uh, she's in West Virginia, she does permanent jewelry too, and we've been friends since the get go, like we reached out to each other the first day, whatever, but we've been friends since. Haven't met each other yet though, so it's uh, yet to meet, but we're like, okay, permanent jewelry, let's share a room, this and that, or a pjx.

And we still didn't go. So I really,

Jen Thyrion: next time, next time, I know it was so good. And I know every year is getting better and next year. Oh my gosh. I mean, the classes alone are amazing. They're, they're a hundred times better than they were even the first year. And the first year was great, but it's like the, I think also the suppliers I'm hoping they'll bring on because that, that alone.

And I keep talking to people about this and they agree. It's like, That alone, because as we know, we're scouring online. We're just finding all our stuff. Like, it's so great to see these things in person and be able to shop all these different vendors for specific permanent jewelry under one roof, which is so cool.

So I want to meet you. Hopefully you're there next time. And we can hang out three

Nicole Ashlee: times the charm. I mean, seriously, you know what it was? It was like, I'm in New York. Not that it matters or anything, Vegas. I was like, Oh, it's. I coach, you know, everybody's got competition season. And I'm like, Oh my God, I can't.

So, um, but like maybe, maybe next year, if it's, you know, maybe under the grapevine, it could be a little closer, which would be great. I know people wanted that last year, but that wasn't the case. I

Jen Thyrion: know. We'll see. I know. I don't know what they're, what they're deciding, but I know it is kind of hard, but at least Vegas seems like a somewhat easy one way, hopefully for most people.

people. I think there's that idea. Plus like the jewelry, there's other jewelry events around that time, JCK and stuff. So that's kind of the idea. But, um, okay. I want to talk about a few things before you have to go, because I know we're like headed into an, again, I can't believe an hour flew by, but number one, I want to talk about three things.

talked about when you were at an event with another permanent jeweler talk about that. What, how would your experience and how did I

Nicole Ashlee: have not been at another event with a permanent jeweler? Although I feel like that I eventually will be, um, this coming fall. And what I do to try to avoid that is I ask them, To be exclusive whether we have to pay another hundred dollars for the vendor fee or whatever it is But I also explained to them that why it's just prices.

Let's say, you know, I have 55 60 by 75 What if she's 45 50 and 65, you know Then I think people, Oh, her, her. And then more people go, you know, or what if, you know, she makes a mistake and then she's not there the next day and then I have to fix it, like, let's say she's there on a Saturday and I'm not there on a Sunday and she made a mistake on Saturday, he or she, whatever they made a mistake, you know, and then I'm there fixing it and it's like, that's not fair.

I have explained to that, but really it is what it is. I feel like though, you know, I won podcast, I think it was episode 16. It was really great when she said that talking to customers, like I totally, I wish I could have jumped in on this podcast. The way I was talking to myself in the car when I was listening to it was crazy.

So I feel like I really related to talking to customers and meeting customers like that put a spark back in my eye, you know, maybe it was too much talking to kids for 10 years. And maybe I really did need to, you know, get that business entrepreneurship. Like. Speaking of custom, you know, that growth in that way, um, as a, you know, so, um, I thought that was really

Jen Thyrion: cool,

Nicole Ashlee: but I just,

Jen Thyrion: uh, yeah, just, I know.

And I could tell, like, when I talk about, you know, the, that's why, you know, if my second episode, if you did listen, it was like my three things I feel you need to have a successful business. I mean, I can tell you to like people and you like talking to people. And again, I could tell you'd be, you would be a person where it's like, you have.

Sort of, I don't want to know what the word is, but magnetism about you. Right. So it's like, people are going to be certain people and most people are gonna be drawn to you. Right. So it's like, that is a part of this business that it's like people underestimate, I believe when you're starting a business and you're just seeing prices and you're saying like, Oh my God, well, I'm at this event.

And say you are actually at an event with this other person, but okay. What sets you apart? And like what that person. Might just be sitting there with a bump on a log and not even talk anybody where they have you, where they walk by and you look, you're very like just welcoming and, you know, kind of like drawn to you, you know what I mean?

So like certain, depending on also your branding comes into play with that. What does your table look like? There's so many things to play into that where it's like to set you apart, you know?

Nicole Ashlee: Yeah. So I think actually that was one of the number one reasons why I started the charm bar, because I saw more people popping up around me.

So in my area, as far as, again, I'm concerned is that I was the first one in the Hudson Valley. I then, you know, two years later and now. I was at an event and there was a permanent jewelry there and she's great. So I went and introduced myself and we hugged. It was amazing. It was awesome. No, I was like, well, what can I do to just, you know, be different?

I really thought that, you know, the charm bar would be the best along with the permanent bangles. Yes. Talked about it. Yeah, we

Jen Thyrion: talked. Actually, that's one of my things I want to talk to you about. But number two, sourcing charms. People are going to ask that. Where do you buy your charms? It's probably the same answer everyone else is going to give, but yeah, where do you buy your charms?

Are they all?

Nicole Ashlee: Honestly, I started off with Amazon. I hate Amazon charms. I love Amazon. In Amazon terms, please do not buy from Amazon. Teemu and Alibaba are really the best ones. I've seen stuff on FAIR, but it's really, really expensive. Um, and I feel like Amazon, I feel like FAIR is like almost like a, a crafty Amazon almost.

You know, it's

Jen Thyrion: also feel fair, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not trying to put this out there. I don't want to get like frigging, uh, attacked for saying this, but I do feel some people are buying from those, like the big Alibaba and Timo and reselling on fair. Yes. That's how I feel.

Nicole Ashlee: Yes. Yep. A lot of people are doing that.

Be aware of that.

Jen Thyrion: There's money

Nicole Ashlee: in it. Well, this is

Jen Thyrion: the thing. I mean, this is the thing, and this is why it becomes tricky in this day and age that we're in, right? Some people might see very negatively into Timu Alibaba and be like, Oh, well, okay. Like, I want to buy American made. I want to buy. So you go on fair because you're thinking small business.

This is like, but I, that's not always the case, right? They're buying from the same place in bulk and reselling to you. So you want to be smart. So really, who are you supporting here? I mean, I guess you're supporting that small business by buying them, reselling it, but in the end, you know, it's, it's, they're buying from the same source.

If you're fighting that, if you're fighting the, you know, It's hard

Nicole Ashlee: because it's, it's just hard. Nobody makes those charms in America. As far as I know, I have no idea. Please do. If you, if you put the enamel color in, please reach out to me. Well, that's the hard part. Yeah.

Jen Thyrion: The price you need charm bar to be, it would be really hard to get those things produced here.

And, you know, Etsy, obviously, you know, because we're all going to get the same answer. You're scouring Etsy, but these are all mainly companies that are out of China, you know, I mean, they're not a rarely and if they are in the United States to me, I'm like, well, they're buying from them and reselling.

That's just, that's literally what they're like.

Nicole Ashlee: I agree. You know, when it, when it comes to like, um, I want to say, like making a t shirt and sewing it, the people that are doing crochet now, or, you know, They're doing embroidery, that stuff you can kind of make. Like we, we have access to that. I mean, maybe there's metal Smithman or metal jewelers that could melt the metal into it.

But like you said, it's going to be solid gold or gold filled. I don't think that just Americans are just going to do the plated. Like, I don't know. I don't, I just don't know.

Jen Thyrion: It's just going to be a different price point. Unfortunately, you know, that's just. And the one that I have to say and plug her though, because she's amazing.

Um, I've been buying this charm line and actually it is made in the United States. She's out of Washington state, but it's a very specific look. It's actually more, I don't want to say rustic, but kind of like it's vintage gold. It's kind of like a vintage copper. She has a vintage silver, but it's called none charms, like N U N N.

Seattle port Townsend back in:

Right. But I still do stock it and she's amazing and they do make it here in the U S but. You know, it brings me, I almost want to ask her if she knows of other suppliers and I will provide that and actually. Now that we're saying this is why it's so great to talk these things out and get ideas because I'm like, maybe she does know someone else that sources them in the U S that I'm not aware of.

Cause, and her prices are really great. They are there. They're actually comparable to what we pay right from, you know, probably, but

Nicole Ashlee: it's copper and not stainless though. Do you, do you have worried?

Jen Thyrion: I don't. Um, it's cause it's like almost like a vintage, like I could ask her what the process is. It's not stainless steel.

They are plated, but they, they wear really well. They, you know, I don't,

Nicole Ashlee: I'm trying to find the. Stainless, rather than it be plated more stainless steel quality charms. Yeah. It's something that I'm was looking into was charm bar packages. So like getting them and not wholesaling them. Yes, but also sign them for like a wholesale price.

So I was thinking about doing that just because I was like, well, if I'm the creator of the creator of the charm bar chat, is this something like God has given me to grow on as well? Like, should I. growing that way too. Like, am I meant to be a wholesaler? Maybe? I don't know. And then I even thought about PJX.

I was like, who knows? Maybe by next, uh, PJX I'll be able to go and be, who knows? I don't know. You know, if

Jen Thyrion: you're really into that, you really are into that and can find out. I mean, I do know a local jewelry designer over here and, um, she does get charms manufactured for a specific earring line she has.

From Alibaba, she has found suppliers in Alibaba. She has created relationships with them and literally has charms manufactured. So it is possible. It is like something, again, it's just a whole nother realm of, I mean, there's so much possibility in the jewelry industry and it's like, yeah, it's a possibility you could be a charm distributor before I know it, it'll be a PJ selling your charms, who knows.

But like, or, but even to start, if someone doesn't have the experience, like I had even just having my charm, or I already had this preexisting experience in buying, right. But if you want to offer packages, I think people are dying for that because they just don't know where to start. They really are.

They're like, well, what's the most popular, like for me. And again, I don't know if this is universal, but always having initials, always having like, I love birthstones of some sort, like having a little variety of things. I don't know about you stars, moons. You know, I mean, obviously everyone's going to have their animals they love.

Like, you know, it's like funny just thinking about even people in your life, like what kind of charms would you choose for them? Like kind of going through that, but you are going to have your staples. Initials is huge. Like you need letters. There's no doubt about that. So the

Nicole Ashlee: quality that I want to start with, it's funny.

It's just, I was literally up like 1am last night organizing all the charms that I have, but I don't want to offer the alloy enamel ones. The ones that I want to offer are the better quality ones. And that's what I want. Because I started, you know, January, February, and I'm buying the Amazon or just the alley.

I didn't know what to buy. So I do definitely like want to only offer the stainless steel charms. So I stay tuned for a package.

Jen Thyrion: For sure. I mean, join the charm bar chat if you're interested in it, because then if you do come up with something, obviously it'll be there because that's a thing, it's like trial and error.

So if you have someone that they can turn to right away, that's like, oh my gosh, how do I buy, or what's the best quality rather than buying this crap and wasting your money, right? I mean, like, that's what people are, you know, you kind of. skip the steps that people have to go through. So yeah, I think it's a great idea and I think it would be definitely something people need by the way.

So, but last thing, do you want to say anything else? Sorry, I don't want to cut you off.

Nicole Ashlee: One, I turned the, well, me and my friend Kirsten, she is also one of the admins in the Charm Bar chat, but, uh, we turn, we turn it on and off from private to public every so often, only because we, we don't want, like there's another Charm Bar chat and I think there's.


She is blocked from it as well as actually, no, I did reach out to the other, the other admin of the other charm bar chat and let her know too. We did chat about that. That's right. But I turn it off from public to open just to kind of, when I have time to go to, cause it's very popular, people do want to be in it.

Right. So I'm just like, when I have time to actually sit down and cycle through it, you'd like, you'll have to answer all the questions, you know, So I don't, you know, I don't want any spammers or anybody that's going to really jip people off because that's not right. Oh,

Jen Thyrion: for sure. I know. It's so crazy to think about those things.

I just, I still can't get over them. Like, cause I have my own little group too, for the pocket. I'm like, Oh yeah, I didn't think about that. Like, because you know, you have questions that people have to answer, but still, I mean, that's, there's an easy way you could just answer those correctly. So last thing, your bangles, I want to know about your bangles.

So what brand are you buying from? Is it the brand we've been hearing about? What is it called?

Nicole Ashlee: It is called RVA or Riva? rva,

Jen Thyrion: that's right. rva. Riva, okay.

Nicole Ashlee: RI. Are they made in the US do you know? Uh, they're made in Brooklyn actually. Oh, are they really?

Jen Thyrion: I

Nicole Ashlee: get same day shipping. Yeah, I get same day shipping. So they've um, literally I just made an order last night.

They were shipped out today. I'll get them tomorrow. Okay. So are there different

Jen Thyrion: sizes?

Nicole Ashlee: Yes. They have, I think 1. 5 millimeter and then two millimeter. Um, yes, they have extra small, small, medium, large, and I believe extra large. They have five sizes. I know somebody had taken a screenshot of the price and posted it and said, this is, you know, outrageous.

This and that, blah, blah. But all you got to do is make an account and you're a wholesaler.

Jen Thyrion: So, so how much are the gold filters depend on the size of, it depends on the millimeter.

Nicole Ashlee: I believe that, I think it's the millimeter that depends the prices, but I've been buying two millimeter only because I feel like if it's a one and a half millimeter, it may bend.

You know how bracelets and bands could possibly bend with heat. So I've been getting the thicker ones and the gold goes for. I want to say 70 or like, yeah, not 60. And then the silver goes for 50 or 60. That's

Jen Thyrion: what you're paying

Nicole Ashlee: or that's

Jen Thyrion: what you're, you're charging.

Nicole Ashlee: Paying my retail price for what I sell to customers is a hundred dollars silver and 140 gold filled.

Okay, perfect. So they're not welded. No, they're not welded. It is, but I will tell you it is such a pain in the booty to get this thing in. Yeah. So, I mean, the viewers that are listening and not watching, I mean, I can try to show you. So what you do is you put the tube through both ends and you close, and then there's two little holes.

Those two things are called rivets and you have to take tweezers and put them through one end is red man they are micro like microscopic like it's even with my um magnifiers on it's so hard to see but you put a tweezers through and then you take the little tool that they have and you you scrunch it and you hear a click and then you gotta do it again and it takes about with practice I could see 15 minutes but for me it took you For one bracelet was 40, 40 minutes, 30 minutes.

Wow. Yeah. It is more time consuming than permanent jewelry.

Jen Thyrion: No, always trying to perfect the bangle. I'm telling you, I mean, I'm making the open ended bangles and I actually was just talking this morning in my, my, the society, we had a call and I was like, for me, I actually tried to push those more. Like if they're like, you know, where you have the chain on the other side, so it's like bangle and then you just connect the chain.

So I love that look first of all, but also just the ease because sizing is much easier. I do make a full bangle myself, but I'm also using a two, but I'm actually welding that too. But that also just is, it's a little bit more, you really have to weld the crap out of it. Basically with a lack of a better term, you have to weld that seems so well, and it is more likely to come undone.

I'm still trying to perfect it. I have to admit, I mean, I have some people that have had theirs on for a year because I actually started doing it a while back, but some, I

Nicole Ashlee: Congratulations. But

Jen Thyrion: then there was just a girl recently where it like came undone and she's like, you know what? I don't, I think I'm just going to do the chain one anyway.

I like that better. Um, because as you know, if you're welding so much too, you're going to naturally with Argon create more darkness right along that seam. So that's hard to also keep clean. And it's just really, it's a very delicate process. You know, it's, it's pretty time consuming no matter how you do it, I guess your way, but also to like, say.

That just got brought up in the call, say it got undone somehow, and they, they were traveling and they were somewhere else who could fix that for them because that's not really a common thing. So, so in order

Nicole Ashlee: to get it off, you have to actually, um, have in hand the removing, Um, flyers for it. Yeah. So you can't just, um, get them off with, with anything.

I mean, you know, and the only thing that I guess scares me a little bit is an emergency hospital, but in a hospital, they have things like this. You know, yeah, I'll have cutters, police officers, firemen, they'll have cutters and stuff. But, um, yeah, you really, it's, it's really permanent and can't take it off unless you have those flyers with you, but I did just order the bangles that you're talking about with the one, the chains across, I haven't advertised.

I haven't sold any, but I want to say. sold about five of the actual permanent bangles and one person i one person i guess that makes the other harvest harvest uh i'm sure she's in a permajewelry community group harvest cock i think c o c k e she makes them as well Half bangles too. Yeah,

Jen Thyrion: it's, it's been something I wasn't sure because I'm making some too, but I want to send you some because I'm playing around with different styles.

So I just kind of want to see like what your customers are liking. Cause if your customers are liking bangles, I mean, cause I, it's going really well for me. Like I'm making, and I'm of course my creative mind, just like we've been talking, it's like, you have ideas just the past hour and a half we've been chatting, but it's like.

But like, since I started making them, I have all these different ideas of like different, you know, putting a bead on the bangle and putting, you know what I mean? Like just different ways of like hammering or like the texture of them and, you know, just kind of different fun ways.

Nicole Ashlee: One thing that I'm thinking about is I know that the little words project, that's like such a huge bracelet thing, but then so there's a company, I don't know the name of it.

They're like a Morse code bracelet type of thing. Um, and I'm thinking like, that'd be really cool to like offer like a more, like a worded or like a. Stamped beaded bracelet. Like, you know, when they, yeah, you can like, yeah, I think that would be like,

Jen Thyrion: what if even on the bangle? Cause I do, okay. So I do do it's on one of my, you're not going to be able to see in this video.

It's so tiny, but I do do like stamping on the bangle. I can put a word, but like, what if, yeah, what if I just put like the Morse code, like lines and dots, like almost on a bangle too, or you could do it where you have actual beads on the bangle too, like that'd be kind of cool. I see. There's so many ideas.

It's this industry. I'm like, Oh my gosh. Like what? Cause yeah, I love the Morse code. Um, just that secret message idea, right? Like it's pretty, no one knows what it is, but you, I love that. That's why I have, like, I have a hidden message, like gemstone collection on my website where it's the same concept, but it's like something's written out in gemstones and I've always loved that idea because I'm like, yes, it's like, it's pretty and no one knows really what it is unless you tell them.


Nicole Ashlee: There's another thing I think that's coming out that actually isn't I feel like out yet. And I feel like it's more of like a summer thing rather than than a yearly thing, I guess you could say. I don't know the Instagram, um, again, my friend Kirsten sent it to me, but it's It's like a melted rope bracelet.

I don't know if you've seen those anywhere. So I do those.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah. Oh, you do. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder, maybe she doesn't belong to my group, but it was in the other group. It was in the other group. That's actually where I initially saw it. It wasn't one of the permanent jewelry groups. And then I put it in my Goldie links.

I have a Goldie links, um, Facebook group. And so I did put it recently and I said, how does everyone feel? I'm wearing one. It's just like a rope bracelet. I mean, it's just a rope and you do melt the other end. I'll post a video. Um, but again. I think what most people are worried about is obviously it's going to get dirty.

You know, it's going to be frayed. It's not going to be the same, obviously. But what I was thinking is it's kind of a good play on the wish bracelet. You remember that? You know, I

Nicole Ashlee: even do that for my permanent jewelry sometimes when they want to come get it resized, or maybe they just want to cut off or whatever it is, or they want a new one or whatever.

I always say like, again, the world is endless. We're all endlessly linked somehow, some way. So we always want to make a wish. When I cut it, I say, set your intention. And then when I rebuild it, sometimes I, um, yeah, cool. I love it. It's so cool. The thing that I said that she sent me for prices, it was 38 for a bracelet and 45 for an anklet.

Is that normal?

Jen Thyrion: I mean, I think what she's, you're probably, she probably screenshot the same thing I saw. And yeah, I haven't started it yet. I've done it on my husband. He did on me. I did on some of my brother when he was in town, I've been trying around cause I actually had to try a couple different methods, which is kind of funny because there was a point where I was using a lighter and I'm like, you can't use a lighter.

So it's a, it's a ribbon cutter. It's a ribbon cutter and I can blink it and I will because I'm, if anyone's interested in doing it, but you, you put both ends to that ribbon cutter and melt it and then put it on your customer. Obviously you're cutting it ahead of time. You're, you know, whatever, you know length you need.

And that's how you do it. It's pretty simple. But I have like stringing beads on mine too. Like I like strung up like a pearl, like you can do like a larger, like gold fill bead, like a larger hole gold fill bead. And so that's what I was thinking, like a wish bracelet, but taking that bead, this is why I do love stuff like this.

I'm a big intention maker. Obviously I can see you are too, whether you're spiritual or like you very are like. Just always mindful of those. That like, that's why I love jewelry. It's always had this significance and why I love permanent jewelry is because it does have significance more than a pretty piece.

But I was thinking like, even if people wanted a bead on it, it's like holding the bead and like setting your intention. You know what I mean? Like what's your wish? What's your intention? Let's put it on the, you know, bracelet whenever it breaks or whenever it's so frayed, it looks like total crap. Yes. Yep.

Nicole Ashlee: So, you know what else I just thought about? I don't know if you've seen the bracelets on TikTok, where people are matching their eye color to their daughter's eye color or their son's eye color. There's called like a family bracelet and you just literally go to Michael's or wherever and you order and you get green beads and brown beads and blue beads and then you make like the eye color of your family and like blue, green, uh, brown, blue, green, brown, all around.

It's so cute. So, I'm thinking like even like birthstones.

Jen Thyrion: Oh my God. Oh yeah. So birthstones are huge. Like, I mean, I, I, I don't know if you offer birthstones or permanent jewelry, but that's like, because I've always loved gemstones for the meaning behind them, but also the fact that they're birthstones, they represent people.

So like I'm big on birthstones, but yes, that would be awesome to kind of like, whether it be like on that rope bracelet or whatever, but within permanent jewelry, that's always been really popular for me. But that's really cool. I mean, you're so great on keeping up with the trends. I can tell. Oh my God.

You're like, I try to hire you as a trend. Like, I don't know. People can pay me for my thoughts. So for me, it's so funny. Cause I know a lot, TikTok blows stuff up like so fast. It's almost kind of annoying sometimes, but like, I, because also things come and go so fast too, because of it, I think, you know, it's like, Oh my God.

And then you see it for a second. You think it's really cool. And then you're like, okay, like I remember even PJX, which was what, not even two months ago. It was like, also not TikTok. You're seeing like. The hair chains, right?

Nicole Ashlee: Yes. I had a salon reach out to me about that. And I was like, I don't know if it's going to tangle and stuff.

So I never did it. We never tried it.

Jen Thyrion: I know. And it's so funny. So I thought at first I'm like, I'm going to do it. I'm going to take one of my handmade, like maybe even a pearl like chain, how cute. And then I literally thought about it for two seconds. I'm like, no, like, and then I feel like no one has talked about it since.

I don't, I don't think it's, it's yeah. Um,

Nicole Ashlee: I've done hand chains and belly chains, which have been really cool. Yes. Hand chains are awesome. Love it. Um, but I'm excited to, I haven't introduced the, the cord thing, cord connecting or something like that.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah, I'll message you, but I'll also put it in the group because I don't know if anyone, everyone there, I didn't get a ton of response in the group of people seeming super interested, but I was going to post just like how I do it.

It's so easy. What

Nicole Ashlee: millimeter cord do you use? I forgot what I ordered, but mine's really thick and I don't know if people are really going to like it. I know.

Jen Thyrion: I ordered, I want to say, I can look, I think it's two millimeter. I, it's pretty thin. I did order some like paracord, like just a whole package from Amazon.

But I did put on my brother when he was here and he likes them. He still has them on. It was, it's been probably a month. Yeah.

Nicole Ashlee: Maybe it could be more of like, you know, I know men get permanent jewelry, but, uh, a coot, like a custom to the charm bar, the boys, boys can do whatever they want to, but like, it's almost like that could be for boys in a way, you know, like,

Jen Thyrion: that's why I like it.

I like

Nicole Ashlee: baseball. Yeah.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah. I don't want to take away. And again, I think that someone's worried too, is introducing rope. They're like, okay, that is not like I have high end. And again, it might not fit in with your brand. It might not, but I'm just saying it could be in addition to something like if. Where there is an option for everybody kind of thing.

You know what I mean? Like I have a lot of solid gold on my wrist, but having this rope, it's just, it's cute. Cause it actually has like gold in the rope. It's not one of those like thick paracord one. You know what I mean? It's actually, um, dates here looking. So it's just kind of like a little pop of color.

And then with the pearl on it, I think it just looks so cute. So I'm a fan. Anyway, so yeah, I can share that. I love the idea of an intention bracelet. I was like, I don't know, like that could be something you play into a little bit. And then maybe when you're done with the rope and you're done with it or it breaks, like you can always use that bead and then string it on another piece.

Like even stringing on a chain, having that pearl or that bead still and like utilizing it somehow would be really cute. So I agree.

Nicole Ashlee: I will say one last thing. I'm not going to talk too much about it because, um, I don't want to say anything just yet, but I was in the middle before the charm bar started and before the hats.

I was going to create something that would help permanent jewelers or anybody in an event doing events. I want to say stay tuned for something else. I reached out to, um, I forgot his name for Sunstone, whoever, who runs, runs that. And I had asked to be, you know, what it takes to be a vendor and stuff like that.

But, um, it's something that I would love to offer besides the charms or anything at PJX, which probably maybe possibly won't happen. Who knows? Yeah, this is something separate. But yeah, like I said, I won't talk too much on it, but it's just like a little spoiler that if it does happen. It happens. If it doesn't, I'll let you know in a year.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah. Yeah, no, it's good. I feel like you are full and rich of ideas and like, like you're definitely someone to watch. I'm so glad. See, like, it was just my gut to reach out to you. I had no idea. I'm like this, but yeah, it was great to talk with you. Like, I feel like we could talk forever. It's like, you're, you're someone so great to like brainstorm and dream with, you know what I mean?

Like I could tell that about you. Like, there's always like ideas brewing and excitement and like, that's so exciting to me. So it's been awesome. Um, you'll have to share off the air what your ideas because I, well, I'll, yes. , you know, of course. I wanna know. And yeah, if I can help in any anyway, that'd be awesome.

So anyway, if anyone's interested in following you, where do we find you?

Nicole Ashlee: It is at, at Endlessly Linked, and we have at Endless Charm Bar. On Instagram and not on Facebook, just endlessly linked on Instagram and Facebook and at Endless Charm Bar on Instagram. And

Jen Thyrion: thank you guys.

Nicole Ashlee: It was

Jen Thyrion: stuff. And then yeah, Charm Bar chat, Charm Bar chat group on Facebook.

Join us. And that's where you'll see her, um, charm holder. I think you can find it in search in the group, right? Is that how you?

Nicole Ashlee: I'm going to actually make a post of me actually using it, how quick it is to be used, just kind of go more. Oh, and I have, you know, people are asking about pliers and cutting pliers.

I'm going to make a video about that too.

Jen Thyrion: Please do. It's so funny. I have, I love my cutting pliers and they're so great. They're actually like they're from Rio, their Italian flush cutter would be amazing, but stainless steel, stainless steel. It drives me crazy. And I like, and I had forgot those cutters granted.

They're still not the best. So I feel like there's something else out there specifically for stainless steel. So if you have any info, I'll check the group. Um, but it's like, I forgot my good cutters. When I went to adjust a charm bar event, like a couple of weeks ago, I was like sweating bullets. I'm like trying to use these crappy little cutters, trying to cut a chain because some people want, you don't have to do this, but I was cutting chain to like put the charm holder on.

First of all, I cut it in half to put the charm holder on, or someone would insist on being shorter, or I ran out of bracelets. So I was cutting down necklaces to make bracelets. So I was like, Oh my gosh. Like some events, you might not even use a pair of cutters for a charm bar, but like, I happened to be that particular event.

Everyone wanted a chain cut. I'm like, what is happening? And then it was so, so hard. Yeah.

Nicole Ashlee: Some links you're able to like open a little bit, even though it's still relatively hard, it's almost like opening a. It'll jump ring, but there's a chain that I have that you need two hands and that you need to like cut and then open and cut and all you just need to keep cutting it so actually get through that steel and it's so hard.

Yeah, I do have a pair I'll link that in the charm bar chat. But yeah, it's

Jen Thyrion: Oh, man, I know. It's really about having the tools like I have to say, you know, making jewelry for so long. I feel like I dealt with like, I did things the way I did things. And then when I found better tools and realized how much easier it is with better tools and you have the right tools, I'm like, Oh my God, Jen.

And that's why when I saw your holder, I was like, done. I'm not even like, it was, it was impulse. I'm like, but it was 40. I'm like, that makes so much sense. I'm not even going to try to like make one myself. So this is going to make my life easier. And I'm all about ease. Okay. We should be like making our businesses as easy as possible.

So we can focus on the focus on the stuff that matters. You know what I'm saying? Let it be easy, right? Okay. I'll let you go. I'm so sorry. I kept you for too long, but

Nicole Ashlee: Thank you so much for having me. I hope to be on again sometime.

Jen Thyrion: Yes, of course. Oh, I'm sure you will. I'm sure you will. I have so many updates in a year from now.


Nicole Ashlee: oh, yeah. We'll talk to you soon. We'll talk soon. Bye. Bye.

Jen Thyrion: Well, how do you feel? I hope you found value in today's episode and you walk away feeling inspired. I would love to hear from you. Let's link up. You can find me on Instagram at GoldieLinkSociety. You can find out more about our permanent jewelry membership at GoldieLinkSociety.

com, our handmade permanent jewelry supplies of connectors, chain, and more at GoldieLinkSupplies. com. Okay, I will see you next time. Have a golden day.

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Goldie Links Permanent Jewelry Podcast
How to create and sustain a permanent jewelry business
Goldie Links is a podcast on the how-to's, inspiration, and all things to create and sustain a thriving permanent jewelry business. Create a successful, scalable, and, most of all, fulfilling business. We share all the tips, tricks, suppliers, and marketing and chat with fellow permanent jewelers! We are a believer in community over competition over here at Goldie Links - we want to see you win. Learn what it means to grow your own Goldie Links business and be a part of an amazing community of women that are passionate about jewelry, fun, and community