Episode 3

Published on:

14th Feb 2024

003: Going All In! - The Journey Of A Goldie Girl

In this podcast episode, you’ll get to hear from Ashleigh, the first Goldie girl, as she shares her exciting insights and experiences in the permanent jewelry industry. As a seasoned Goldie Girl (franchise owner of Goldie Links) for over a year, she reflects on her growth and learning journey, attributing much of her success to the invaluable guidance and mentorship provided by Goldie Links. Ashleigh never thought she would have had the courage to embark on this journey alone, but with the support of Goldie Links, she found the confidence to take that exciting first step. She emphasizes the delightful correlation between time, effort, and success, highlighting the importance of confidence and taking that exciting first step. She has made wonderful connections through Goldie Links, which have opened doors for her, including her venture into starting her own boutique, and diving into the world of SEO. Ashleigh’s story as a Goldie Girl serves as an inspiring testament to the power of dedication, mentorship, confidence, and networking in achieving success in the permanent jewelry community.

Instagram: goldielinkssociety


Jen: Hey there, I'm Jen Thyrion, and I'm so glad you're here. I'm a former nine to fiver that dove into entrepreneurship eight years ago with zero business experience. I'm a wife, mama of two young girls, boutique owner, jewelry designer, and now the proud owner and coach leading GoldieLinks Permanent Jewelry.

I have a passion to empower fellow business babes. This podcast is made to equip you with everything you need to succeed from actionable marketing steps to digging deep on your mindset. I know firsthand the heart, hard work, and let's be real at times of struggle that makes up this amazing journey. You want to know what has enabled me to shine the brightest coaching plus community here at GoldieLinks.

We share openly educate and lift each other up. Expect to get linked with fellow PJ owners that will do just that sprinkled with plenty of fun along the way. Competition is an old school thought and connection is the way get ready to feel inspired. Welcome to the GoldieLinks podcast.

Jen: All right. I already gave everybody a little bit of an intro about you, but how about we start off with you telling me about, and you telling everybody basically about yourself. So whatever you want to say about that.

Ashleigh: Okay my name is Ashley. I am from the Las Vegas area originally, and I am now living in Missouri with my family. I have two daughters, three dogs and my husband, but we moved to the Missouri area to be closer to family. So yeah, that's what I'm doing now. It's

Jen: So

Ashleigh: yeah.

Jen: about just like your basically work life as an adult. So we're like, yeah

Ashleigh: I started off in the hospitality industry in Vegas and just worked my way up the corporate ladder there. And that's actually where I met you at the spa and salon at New York. I don't even know how long ago that was. Maybe 12 years ago a really long time ago. It feels like Yeah and when we moved to the missouri area, I had to switch gears So I started as a contracts manager.

So that's what i'm doing now, and I just have always Had an entrepreneur soul and always wanted to do more. I'm one of those people who has Started a lot of different side hustles. I guess you could say I dabbled in like candle making and I even dragged my husband around to thrift stores to try and resell cool finds I like started before the bubbly which is like a proposal business to help guys propose to their girls and just all sorts of crazy stuff.

And then last summer I had the idea of wanting to do permanent jewelry and that's when you and I connected and finally started, actually went through with something that I started, which was the first for me. So I do that now too.

Jen: Yeah, tell me about so you did because I remember there were certain times like you mentioned, we met in Vegas. We've been friends for over 10 years. And of course, we never really talked about that. When we met, we were working and it wasn't even a thought. I also knew that, of course, early on I knew I always want to do something more than be an employee.

I want to do something on my own at the time. It was funny when I was a massage therapist, I thought maybe I'd want to own my spa own spa one day I was making jewelry, but I didn't think that would like lead to being an entrepreneur. But anyway, having said all that, I remember when you moved and I moved, we still obviously communicated over the phone and would catch up and.

There were certain times where you wanted to start something. Cause I do remember talking to you specifically about reselling, I think like doing the vintage primes. And things like that. And I was in Vegas and you're still living there, went there for market and you came with me to market.

And that's when you want to do fulfilled fines, which is one of the. So anyway, how far into those things did you start, and what was the process that you just dabbled and you're like, okay, no, this is too much. I'm like, what was your. Reason for, or like, how far did you go into those things?

Ashleigh: Yeah. So fulfilled finds was like the one thing that I thought I was actually going to do and that's when I did go to market with you a lot, but that never even turned into anything. That was just this great idea. I had and I still until recently wanted to open up a small boutique.

Jen: Yeah.

Ashleigh: With the candle making and treasure hunting with signs.

Like I bought all this stuff, I made candles, I found spines to sell, but that's just where it stopped. And I think everything came to a halt because the passion wasn't there for me. All these things sounded like great ideas that I could do. And with all that being said to the end goal was always for me just to be home with my family and have more time with the girls, like that's why I was doing all of this, but you have to be passionate about the things that you're doing.

Otherwise. You're not going to do them and they're not going to go anywhere and if your whole heart's not in it then, there's no point in continuing on so they didn't really ever go far. To be honest, I didn't, I created the things I tested stuff out and that's just where it went until permanent jewelry.

Jen: Yeah. So we'll tell so when I, we reconnected, I don't even know, I just reached out to you. Of course we would go months without talking. And I remember talking and I just mentioned how I want to start permanent jewelry and I was right away. I had that thought, which I probably have already said this in another episode, but I've already right away.

I had this thought of, I wanted to help other women and grow their own business because being in the jewelry industry so long and just knowing how hard it can be to like grow business. Like it all sounds so fun. And then when you get into it. realize like how much work is involved, like how you really are doing it on your own.

And this, the support system is like priceless. So it was funny because again, when we reconnected and I mentioned to you, you're like done, sign me up. Let's do

Ashleigh: Yeah.

Jen: Oh my God. Do I have like my first, like right away. And I don't even know what I'm doing yet. Truly granted I made jewelry, but I never like had done permanent jewelry before.

So it's so funny. Cause probably what nine months in maybe maybe. And I went out to train Ashley, although I really have never had any experience really doing it on my own, but I think because I already had this background of business, like I went in with a confidence knowing that okay, that'd be that hard, but so take me back to like, why did you decide to like, put your trust in me and decide to go with and what made you just say let's do it.

Ashleigh: I think it's because obviously I just knew you as a person and I trust you so much wholeheartedly and I think that you're one of those people even like before we started talking about Transcription Me doing Goldie links. You know just about fulfilled finds and everything else like you were always like do it Let's do it and pro like women entrepreneurship and you've always been that friend to me wanting me to do more And so I already had that trust in you And so the thought that I had already thought about permanent jewelry and then you brought it up.

I was like, oh heck yeah, let's do this because I knew that I would have the guidance and support from someone who's been an entrepreneur and knows the ins and outs, and you're a jewelry maker too, so I knew that you had the knowledge in there, and it was just an easy yes for me, because I knew that I would have that support and to start something like that on my own.

I honestly can say I probably wouldn't have ever have done it without you. So it was an easy yes for me.

Jen: Yeah. So how did you feel like just getting started? What was going through, like even that first time we did a party at your house. So what I

Ashleigh: Yeah.

Jen: see Ashley in Missouri and we did even step into boutiques to try to get her like, which we did book her a pop up actually that first that we were going into boutiques, introducing her, talking about permanent jewelry.

We even gifted them something so they could have something to remember us. And and then we did do a party with like her friends and family. And keep in mind, again, I wasn't super seasoned in permanent jewelry yet. And so I don't know, what was your first impression of doing it the first time?

And did you walk away? Excited? Were you nervous? Was it like, oh my gosh, what am I getting myself into? What were your thoughts, yeah.

Ashleigh: as hell. Like for sure. Like I it's so funny because you see I've seen it before, like on tech talk and stuff. So it's Oh, that's. That's easy. That's cake. It's not. So I think that I just had this expectation that like it wasn't gonna be hard to learn.

But then doing it for the first time and actually like jumping into something so big and like I was Scared shitless for real, to be honest. But I think again, having the support of you even though you keep saying you didn't know what you were doing I would never have known that you didn't know what you were doing because you were so calm and so helpful.

And whenever I would get overwhelmed, you would just step in. But having you like train me and be there was definitely like a million times better. Yeah, but it was scary. It was super scary.

Jen: So what have you what have you liked the most about permanent jewelry? What has that brought into your life and just with your family and all the things? What have you liked about it?

Ashleigh: Yeah, I love interacting with people in my job. Now I interact with people, but it's serious. So I like having lighthearted conversations. I like the freedom to have it and just being able to meet new people. Like I did a pop up out of fitness. Boutique and the lady that I met there, the owner was amazing.

And so making like just connections with certain people. And one of my first pop ups was at Erickson Co. Mercantile, and I connected with the owner, Skylar, and now I'm actually a vendor inside of the mercantile too. And so I've been able to just make connections, meet new people, build friendships, and it's just been amazing because.

Being a working mom you sometimes only interact with serious adults and toddlers, so it's nice to have like fun conversations, interactions with other people.

Jen: Yes, for sure. Has you, do you feel like it's helped financially to

Ashleigh: Oh, yeah.

Jen: score? Yeah.

Ashleigh: big time. I, there's been, like, I bought, we bought a new couch with GoldieLynx. Yeah. We've been wanting a bigger sectional to hang out with the fam. And yeah GoldieLynx paid for our couch. And it's we went on, oh, sorry, hold on. Did that cut me off? Okay. I got a phone call.

I'm sorry. Anyways it helped pay for a family vacation. And financially, it's been a huge help.

Jen: Yes. To talk about that, because yes, you were like busy woman, right? So you're working basically a nine to five, you have two toddlers and you're doing permanent delivery as well as having this now small shop too, which you added on straight right soon after starting GoldieLynx, like you said. So what do you feel that gold, what is your goal?

Do you like the way things are right now? Do you want to make Goldie links more of a, I don't say full time, but like more of, or are you going to get, do, what is your end goal? I guess the whole, like with Goldie links, with permanent jewelry, with the other things you've started, like speaking about balance, but

Ashleigh: Yeah, definitely. The end goal is definitely to leave my nine to five job and I'm going to be able to do that and I could honestly probably do that now with GoldieLynx if I wanted to, but I have a goal by the end of the year to do more pop ups maybe Even look at a studio space. Why not? And because I honestly do think that Goldilocks could replace my income.

And there's been months where it has brought in as much as I'm making with my nine to five. And I think the more time you put into it and the more effort you give it, the more success you're going to have. And by quitting my nine to five job, I'll be able to put way more energy into Goldilocks. And then.

Put more energy into, me being a vendor inside of a boutique as well. So the end goal for me is definitely to quit my nine to five. And I wholeheartedly believe that GoldieLynx can be a way out for me. And it is going to be a way on January 1st is the date. Yeah, that's where I'm taking this.

Jen: That's awesome. I know. I love putting it out in the universe. It's happening January. I already told Ashley, I was like, we're not, I know we're going to do a follow up like interview because it's a little backstory and why, and I, why I love entrepreneurship and love this whole thing. But we went to the Plymouth Jewelry Expo in May and we attended all these classes and I could tell like some classes, like Ashley would just glaze over like a shoe. Super interested. But this one class we took was about SEO and like Google ads. I think that was actually the

Ashleigh: Yep. Yeah. I think that's like Google ads.

Jen: lit up. Like I remember I came home and told my husband, I was like, Oh my God. Ashley was so fired up. And granted it was an awesome class. This, he's awesome, but we both were, but I was lit up in a way like, wow, the opportunity and what, all these things about SEO and like what it can do for your business.

That's amazing. But I don't want to learn about it. Like I want you to do it for me. And for Ashley, she wanted to like, no, like how to do that. You know what I mean? And so it one thing led to another, we contacted the gentleman that did the class and we've had some, she's had more or less calls with him and they've connected.

And so she's like planning on taking over like the SEO and different parts of GoldieLynx too. So she's been learning about that. So it's just really cool how entrepreneurship and doing this kind of thing can like. Lead to even you said, like the mercantile I don't know if that would have happened if you can do Goldie links and connect with him and see it in person and be like, wow, I can have this little boutique that I wanted to, but on a smaller scale to start and just get your feet wet with it.

But tell us really quick I guess cause now I feel like you have all these passions.

Why is SEO something that I guess is important for permanent jewelers and like, why is it so exciting for you to learn about and take to the next,

Ashleigh: so I think that part of me has always been as the left brain that's creative. I think that I've always been a little left brain, but can never. I don't know, but I'm also very analytical. So I feel like I'm right down the middle because I truly enjoy doing office work and behind the scenes work.

I really do enjoy it, but I also enjoy the flexibility that comes with the left side of the brain and being a creative and an entrepreneur. So I feel like SEO is just. Like you said, I lit up during that class. Cause I was like, wow, this is so fascinating. Cause of course, you know what it is, but you have no idea what goes into it.

And it's a lot in the training I've been doing. But I think that it's just a way for me to utilize, the analytical side of myself with the creative side of myself and doing it with GoldieLynx and eventually who knows helping other small businesses too. So that's why I love it.

And I think that it's wildly important because if you're googling, permanent jewelry near me It's important for your business to pop up first in those Google searches so that people can come to you And not have to drive an hour away to Arkansas to get permanent jewelry because that might have happened But I Think that popping up in those searches and anything goes through to Pinterest.

That's a great Google search engine too that a lot of people don't utilize as well. And there's just, putting keywords in your website that hurts with helps with searches and there's all sorts of stuff that goes into it. That just helps to get your name out there, whether it just be permit jewelry that you're providing, or, if it's an add on business or something else it can just help so much getting traffic to your site and helping getting people jewelry.

Jen: It's so true. Cause I think a lot of people think about just go right to social media. Like I have to say for me, I have a website. I knew how important, and again, I'm so grateful I had the business experience I did before starting permanent jewelry because of these things. I think I had a little bit of a, I don't want to say leg up, but like people who just started and never had a business before.

So it's I knew how important a website was and just even The perceived value with a business of a website versus just social media, too, says something to me, but like I am so surprised when I ask people all the time with pop ups, like, where did you find me? And I always Instagram and a lot of it's Google, like people are searching and that's how they find, because I keep our schedule, like our pop ups of the Goldie girls and.

So we won't go too far into it. I know that when we do this episode again, re regroup again, or do this again in a few months, then we'll talk more about it. Cause I know you'll have so much to share because it's going to be cool to have you be able to take Goldie links to the next level with SEO and have that to show and be like.

Look at what happened. Like we went from here to here because of what you're doing, which is super cool. So I don't know, super exciting. So what do you feel are the biggest challenges with permanent jewelry?

Ashleigh: I feel like they have changed over the months. I would say my first challenge was getting out of my shell, because if you can remember the first boutique you took me into, I was like, go ahead, Jen, do all the talking. I was really nervous and I think having confidence in yourself is wildly important and staying calm.

I think in the beginning it was very easy to make simple mistakes because of how nervous I would get. And I think just talking to your customers and talking to the boutique owners and stuff, and just being confident just helps, cause for you, it feels like it's sometimes, when you're first learning a weld, how to weld, sorry.

It seems like it's taking forever. But if you just have a conversation with the person sitting with you, they have no idea how long it's supposed to take. Or, if you're just being kind to them and personable with them, then, only you're stressing yourself out for no reason. So I think that was a challenge for me.

It was just learning how to just stay calm and again, going back to the boutiques and just being confident in what you're doing. So I feel like I've gotten a lot better at that for sure. And just Reaching out to people too, I think physically, like we talk about physically going into places and meeting the people in person versus just shooting them a DM on Instagram, I think is also very helpful and I, there was a lot of people that I reached out to that just ghosted me and then I'd walk into the shop or the boutique or the plant store and they're like, oh hey, yeah, of course, come on in.

So I think that was something too that is a big takeaway,

Jen: Yeah, I think yeah, I always say, I say that all day long with, that's why I'm like such an in person, like even when it comes to, I know there's online trainings out there and I think that's awesome and it might work for some people, but I just know myself and I know there's a lot of people like me that I think just think if you could picture you deciding to do permanent jewelry on your own and just taking an online course and then go like stepping inside of boutiques on your own even if I were to like, Have my own course, online course, and tell someone to do that.

It's so different versus holding your hand and walking in. And then also in person and not just like troubleshooting and trying to watch a video, I just, yeah.

Ashleigh: 100%. I agree with that.

Jen: like how you've evolved even in the last like eight, nine months.

But because I feel like there'll be times where that's why I feel like support is so important. Cause when you are your own entrepreneur, like you get so in your head about stuff, like everyone does it on your own and no one's like kind of telling you like, Hey, this is normal. Or,

Ashleigh: yeah, totally.

Jen: doubt and it's okay. Or, like getting tripped up with this, someone else is doing it in her area and like things like that, you just need to be through sometimes because it can be discouraging and it can get into your head where you could be on top of the world one minute and then the next minute you're like, Oh my God, I suck.

And I don't know, you just it's very up and down, like the whole entrepreneur, like I feel like experience, so

Ashleigh: And I think that's why it's so great having you and being a Goldie girl too, because I was super nervous about other people doing it in my area, which looking back on that now is so silly because they're not competition to me. They're really not like some products that they offer are different.

Some of them are set up at a brick and mortar and my business has not changed at all. I've thought it's gotten better since then. Obviously it's gotten better since I've started. So having competition a hundred percent is not a bad thing. And I think for me starting out, if I didn't have you telling that to me, I might've just quit.

I would've been like, Oh, there's too many people doing it in my area. Like I'm not even going to start this. And I honestly probably never would have. So like just having someone like you being experienced in the entrepreneurial world telling you like, okay, it's okay. You're being silly. Like you've got this is like wildly important to me and it's such a huge help for sure.

Jen: Yeah, that's awesome. Is there anything else that you want to share, about just your journey being a permanent jeweler? I don't know, just, yeah, your entrepreneur journey or anything you want to share, as we,

Ashleigh: so I, it's just crazy how much can change so fast and I know I tell you this all the time, but like last November, I was just, I watch people that I work with are going to watch this. I don't love, I don't love my job. Let's just say that. And so if you would have taken me back just nine short months ago okay, like where's the end of this?

And I'm just working this job. And again, like we talk about what is it for? For what reason? I want to be with my family. I want to live my life, take a random Wednesday off if I want to. And in just is it nine months? I keep saying nine months. I don't know if that's the number, but in just nine short months.

Jen: yeah, around there. I

Ashleigh: insane what has changed for me because of you and GoldieLynx. Like again, meeting the mercantile owner and starting my own, I'm a vendor there now too. So that's an extra income doing GoldieLynx pop ups everywhere. There's a light at the end of the tunnel for me to quit this nine to five and be my own boss.

And that's such a crazy. Like that idea has always been like, Oh, I'm going to be an entrepreneur. But it's always seemed so far fetched. Like I could never do it. And here I am doing it and now I'm studying for my SEO and that's going to be a whole nother way out. So it's just crazy how much can change so quickly if you just do it.

I think so many people are just afraid to start because they're like, Oh, what if this, what if that, what if this, but what if you don't start? You'll never know what could happen if you don't try, if you don't start, if you don't just dive in, and I think you know me, I'm like, again, analytical, I'm like, what if this, though asking all the questions, and Jen's just just do it, Ashley we'll figure it out along the way, which was very hard for me to do, because that is not my personality at all, I'm like, I need to check all the boxes first before I can dive in, and you are the complete opposite of me, which is great, because I think you just, Not force me, but yeah, you forced me just to dive in and do it.

Jen: in the end even if you do it and you just, and you decide, okay, this isn't for me, but you'll never know unless you don't try. And again, who knows what it could lead to? Like you could go to a business and you decide, oh my God, this really interests me and Saw the boutique space and been like, okay, permanent jewelry is not for me, but maybe I'm going to dive further into this, but that'll work.

And so it is really amazing. And honestly, everyone has their own reasons why they don't go beyond that point. Like you said, and whether or not you are more analytical, like for me, I'm not, so I have to say, yes, I will. When I want to do something, I'll jump in. I'm a risk taker. Like I've moved to different states without even, being like, okay, let's just go.

It's never like this. Oh my God. What about this? What if this, but having said that my issue more or less is maybe I'm a little bit more that way where it's then I make a lot of mistakes along the way, more analytical where I could like really have more calculated steps. But I also have a lot of self doubt.

And I think that a lot of people, that's what they also struggle with. So it's even if they decide to take the leap and then they get to a certain point where they're like, Oh no, like I can't do this. Or this is way too more than I thought it was going to be. Cause it always is. It's more time and effort and more all the things and you think it's going to be.

And so that's why I think too, like I got so heavy into like masterminds and classes and things and support, because that was to me a life changer with business ownership. Have someone like hold your hand through stuff like that, because it is hard, like it is hard to do totally on your own, I think,

Ashleigh: Oh, yeah.

Jen: because of all, again, whether or not you're analytical, whether or not you have self doubt, whether or not you're, it's just trying to like, figure out like how to work around the things that hold you back, but I don't know. That's so cool. I'm so proud of you. I don't know. I just feel like it's it's been, it's just been so cool to do. With you too, because

You trusting me from the very beginning has obviously only served me too.

Like we've learned so many lessons along the way and Ashley has been really honest with me. So I feel like when things aren't working, she's yeah, let's, because it was definitely a work in progress. I I did go in blind. Like I normally do things, but but it was, it's been like a really cool journey.

So I don't know, it's been cool to do with you.

Ashleigh: 100%. I definitely, like I said, never would have started this without you. So I'm super grateful for you too. It's crazy, but I'm loving this life.

Jen: I can't wait to catch up and see where you're at in six months from now. Because again, like I said, it's crazy how just when you take the leap and take like how it just so much can change in a short period of time,

Ashleigh: yep. It's wild.

Jen: And it's like you said, yeah, there are times like having said I have my weekends, I do pop ups on the weekends.

Yes, they're not all day, which is nice, but at least you're do a, you have the opportunity to be like, no, I don't want to do one this Saturday. You don't have to, and it's you're doing something. I truly love this, of course. So it's that's something I love doing. So it's not like I'm going to this job on a Saturday away from my family that I, so at least you're like doing it on your. Doing what you want to do. Yes. You still have to effort growing this business and doing this business. But that's there's, there's definitely dedications you have to have, but I feel like it's on your own terms, which is awesome.

Ashleigh: Exactly. And that's like such a good feeling to have to not have to do something if you don't want to do it.

Jen: right. I know, like mind blowing, right?

Ashleigh: Yeah, so cool. Oh

Jen: having said that, are you going back to work now?

Ashleigh: my gosh. Stop it. Maybe.

Jen: All right. Thank you so much for chatting. I love you, of course. And you've been my perfect Goldie girl.

Ashleigh: Thank you. I appreciate that. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

Jen: I'm so excited to keep growing this community and just like having, again, cause I think that's what's so fun too. Like I want again, cause it also too, like being a part of something like this is just fun,

Ashleigh: Oh yeah.

Jen: you don't even rather don't get me wrong. Doing it on your own is still fun too.

Like obviously, but I feel like when you have this group of like minded women that like have the same goals, support it, know what it's like, support each other. And again, make it fun. It's so much better,

Ashleigh: I would say that it probably wouldn't be as fun doing it on my own to.

Jen: no I even even for me, just not having these like you and the other girls to support and that's so fulfilling for me too. And of course I have fun, like me and Ashley chat every day over Voxer. So every day we're chatting. So yeah, it's just it's, and as you said, being a stay at home mom and having the other business I had, it's more I love it, but it's I'm at home making things and doing things.

I'm not like, Having these fun conversations with people. Like you said, I've always missed the connection piece. So yeah, it's just like this great mix of everything. So anyway, we can go on and on about it, but okay.

Ashleigh: I was going to say, one last thing I'll say with the connection piece too, it's like connection, like we get with people and then the people that come see us, like the connection that they're building together, like that's so awesome to create memories for them too.

Jen: honestly, all around, this has been so inspiring to me. Like it's Goldie girls, people, like you said, the people I meet and like you said, I literally just got back from doing a class at hot works. Okay. I'm like my little, I don't know, hopefully I look okay. And I would have literally not tried that unless I did a pop up at hot works and met this amazing owner and decided to try it.

Yeah, it's one of those things you always think about. Yeah, even just even if starting a business and you have this little Oh yeah, I could do that. I should do that. I want to do that. But you just go on with your daily life and your life is busy and you just don't do it. But you have these amazing things.

You're going these businesses, you're connecting with people and you're like, it's honestly, even for myself, like the things I've tried and like improving on myself since I started this business has Pretty inspiring in itself too, because it's pushing me out of my comfort zones.


Ashleigh: Yeah, lots of doors have opened because of the links. That's for sure.

Jen: for sure. All right. And on that beautiful note, thank you so much. I'm sure I'll talk to you very soon. Probably five

Ashleigh: Yeah, for sure.

Jen: Okay. Bye.

Ashleigh: Bye.

Jen: Well, how do you feel? I hope this episode inspired you in some way. I would love to hear from you. So visit me on Instagram at GoldieLinksJewelry or at my website at Goldie Links.com. I'm always down to chat. Have a golden day and I'll see you next time.

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About the Podcast

Goldie Links Permanent Jewelry Podcast
How to create and sustain a permanent jewelry business
Goldie Links is a podcast on the how-to's, inspiration, and all things to create and sustain a thriving permanent jewelry business. Create a successful, scalable, and, most of all, fulfilling business. We share all the tips, tricks, suppliers, and marketing and chat with fellow permanent jewelers! We are a believer in community over competition over here at Goldie Links - we want to see you win. Learn what it means to grow your own Goldie Links business and be a part of an amazing community of women that are passionate about jewelry, fun, and community