Episode 18

Published on:

6th Aug 2024

018: Building Your Brand on Social Media: Tips from Khrysten Hollis

In this exciting episode, we sit down with the fabulous Khrysten Hollis, a social media guru, talented photographer, and all-around awesome friend. Khrysten, a busy mom of four and a newly engaged bride-to-be has been rocking the photography world since 2019. She’s here to spill the tea on creating a standout social media presence for your brand, with a special focus on permanent jewelry. Tune in and get ready to elevate your social media game with Khrysten Hollis!

Krysten shares the importance of having a good vision for your brand. Keep your photography consistent by working with the same photographer so they can grow with you and get to know your brand intimately. Consistency is key in creating a recognizable and trustworthy brand image.

Let's chat about impostor syndrome! Don’t feel pressured to post. Just post it! Have the confidence to share your passion. If you have a love and a vision for something, be confident. Even if it’s just your logo, just get started. The journey of a thousand posts begins with a single click. People follow brands because they connect with the person behind the brand. Show your face! Your followers will continue to follow because they like you, know you, and trust you. Your brand is not just your product or service; it’s you and your process. Whether it’s making handmade jewelry or unpacking orders, let your audience in on the journey. Don’t get caught up in being perfect. Just post it and get out there. Avoid the trap of comparison. Remember, don’t compare your day one to someone else’s day 1000. Focus on your growth and progress over time.

Engage with your followers, check your insights to see when your audience is most active, and plan your posts accordingly. Remember, the more you show up and stay consistent, the easier it will get to post. Get uncomfortable, be vulnerable, and make genuine connections with your audience. Happy posting!

Here are some fun content ideas to spark your creativity!

  • Unwrapping Chains: Capture the natural light shining through a window while you unwrap chains.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Show the process of making your jewelry, setting up your workspace, or organizing charms.
  • Feature Posts: Highlight your best-selling chains or products.
  • Weekly Recaps: Create a reel summarizing your week.
  • Testimonials: Share stories and testimonials from your customers about why they love their jewelry stacks


Instagram: @goldielinkssociety 


Jen Thyrion: Hey there, I'm Jen Therrien and I'm so glad you're here. I'm a former nine to fiver that dove into entrepreneurship eight years ago with zero business experience. I'm a wife, mama of two young girls, boutique owner, jewelry designer, and now the proud owner and coach leading GoldieLynx Permanent Jewelry.

I have a passion to empower fellow business faiths. This podcast is made to equip you with everything you need to succeed from actionable marketing steps to digging deep on your mindset. I know firsthand the heart, hard work, and let's be real. Time's a struggle that makes up this amazing journey. You want to know what has enabled me to shine the brightest coaching plus community here at GoldieLynx, we share openly educate and lift each other up.

Expect to get linked with fellow PJ owners that will do just that sprinkle with plenty of fun along the way. Competition is an old school thought and connection is the way get ready to feel inspired. Welcome to the GoldieLynx podcast. Hey there.

Did you know that we offer handmade permanent jewelry supplies? Go to GoldieLinkSupplies. com to view our beautiful chains, connectors, bangles, and more, including our non permanent stretchy bracelets that are available to you for wholesale. Everything is created by our tribe of mama makers. What is a mama maker?

Stay at home moms that create on their own time between raising their children, serving as a self care creative outlet, and supporting their families. Your items come with signage on how these supplies are made, along with gemstone property info, as each gemstone has a special meaning. If you want to level up your business with handmade, sign up today!

Supplies not made by a machine, but made by hand with love. Then check it out at GoldieLinkSupplies. com. Now onto the show. We are talking all things social media today with Kristen Hollis in person, as she is my photographer, videographer, and social media manager. She also does photo and video inside of GoldieLynx Society.

I cannot say enough amazing things about Kristen. I actually reached out to her in the first couple months of business of GoldieLynx, knowing how important photography and social media is because of my past business experience. It has been a beautiful business relationship. It has grown into a beautiful friendship.

You're going to fall in love with her as much as I have guaranteed. And we are going to do a visual webinar coming up and we are going deeper into social media inside the membership with Kristen, with a visual webinar on August 15th. Just keep in mind, if you're listening to this and want to join the membership after all the recordings with all the guests, experts, and trainings.

are within the membership for you. If you're interested, you can go to all the things, permanent jewelry. com, but let's get into this episode. We're on. I am actually physically here. If you can see this, you know this, but I'm physically here with Kristen Hollis. She is my photographer, social media guru, mentor.

All the things. Yes, of course. Friend. She actually does a photography and well, by social media, but photography inside goalie link society. But anyway, let's start first. Who are you? Tell us who you are.

Khrysten: I'm Kristen. I feel like you introduced me really well. Did I? Oh my gosh. So that, uh, photographer, her.

Social media manager, content creator, mom of four. Yes. That's the most amazing thing. That's like my whole new personality now. I always feel like it's so weird when people ask you, like, introduce yourself or like who you are and you're like, I know, like, who am I?

Jen Thyrion: This is a really deep question. Yeah. So the, how I met Kristen is she was actually like literally fresh, I think, off the U Haul from Texas.

And so when I started GoldieLynx. I knew from my previous business that how important it was to have like legit, amazing photos. I knew what vibe I wanted and I literally searched, I went inside like local Facebook groups and of course there's photographers like everywhere. So I reached out and I did actually post, I think in one of the local groups and I was kind of like thumbing through and like looking at their like, They're Instagram and their own website.

And then I searched on Instagram and I literally searched castle rock photographer and she popped up and I loved her style. I was like, yes, this is it. And then I think I probably voicemailed you. Cause you know, that's what I do.

Khrysten: And I was like, who is this crazy girl? I love this.

Jen Thyrion: And you literally, I think I didn't, I voicemail you or message you like the week you moved here.

Khrysten: I was no, I was literally in the U Haul when you messaged me like driving here, which is so crazy because that was the day that I had changed my name to Castle Rock photographer on Instagram. So sorry, I wouldn't have found you. Yeah. But I mean, that's a, that's a really good thing to talk about too, is like being searchable with your name.

Yeah. On social media. Yes. Cause you have your username, but you also have your searchable. So I didn't change my username, like the at Kristen, Diane photography, I changed the actual searchable name that goes right underneath your profile or your profile picture. Okay. So it's different. Yeah. Does these, like yours says Jen Barry and permanent jewelry.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah. So actually that brings up, that's a first social media thing. So you want to make sure that that title, whatever you call that right underneath your Bye. Bye. What do you call it? I just call it your searchable, searchable name. Your searchable name. Yeah. It says, like, if you do permanent jewelry, it says permanent jewelry.

And like permanent jewelry, checker hat, permanent jewelry, charm bar, right? Or something. Right. Yeah. Okay. And your location, cause most people are searching permanent jewelry. You're searching like obviously localized, right?

Khrysten: Yeah. So I was, I was freaking out cause I had built this photography business in Texas for so long and.

It was Texas lifestyle photographer before I was like, well, how, how am I going to make myself searchable? Not within like a huge span of being, you know, Colorado photographer, Denver, but kind of just honing into that little town that. Yeah. Which we live in. Yes. And so it, it honestly helped. Obviously. Yeah.

It was like the first day after I changed it. And that's when you messaged me. That's amazing. It was so cute. I know.

Jen Thyrion: Like it worked. I know. It seriously worked. And so, yeah, it was great to like, and I just said, I knew from the beginning it was somebody that I wanted to work with regularly. So I remember asking you like, well, Hey, like if we.

Set up this monthly thing where it's like, you know, which honestly I would suggest to anyone, we do have amazing photos inside the society, but if you did want more branded of you welding or like, you know, specific things like setting up and have a relationship with a photographer and how amazing again, that you do both because.

Social media, I feel like, of course, you want to have what is social media without good photography. So

Khrysten: you have to have a good concept of like your brand and being able to put it out there to post it and just having a good vision for your brand as well, which is so good to work with a photographer consistently because they get to know you right and your brand and your vision.

And they just grow along with you, which is what.

Jen Thyrion: Yes. So it's amazing. And that was so great. Like you said, they get to know you because it is hard, like, although a photographer has a certain style or maybe they, you know, you've seen their past work, but they really get to know, you know, me so well at this point, it'd be too much, um, but it's like, so you really know, like what I'm looking for.

I think you get inside, you know, their head a little bit, like you can understand that even the language too, like you're maybe even creating captions for me here and there. It's like, you probably know maybe how I would say it or, you know, I've, Learned your, I'm like, Hey, I

Khrysten: have learned your voice. That's perfect.

Jen Thyrion: Um, well take me back though, to like, what is your experience? Obviously you're a photographer. So how long have you been doing that? And then like, what led into like you having a love for

Khrysten: social media? It's so cool. Like photography has always been something that I've always wanted to do. So I literally called myself a photographer with my entrepreneurial heart and spirit when I was like 14 or 15.

ssionally, I would say, since:

Okay. Well, that's a good. Somewhat new, new-ish. Yeah. Oh, I didn't even realize

Jen Thyrion: that. Yeah. I told her, I'm like, I know I'm gonna like learn about you through talking like this. Right. Because it's like, not normally even friendships. You ask each other questions like this. Yeah. like, oh, tell me about your pest.

You know? Yeah. Like, it gave me, brought up in conversation, but I'm like, I actually thought you were doing photography way more than longer. So

Khrysten: I was, and in:

until my mom bought me one in:

her one. And ever since then,:

Yes. Yes. Until:

Right. Exactly. So it's kind of, kind of crazy how those life experiences kind of brought me here, but I love it. Yeah, I love it. Yeah.

Jen Thyrion: So what do you feel like, I guess, what do you feel is the most important thing to, for social media? Like just to know, like if you were just to start, I were just to start an Instagram tomorrow and I've never done it before.

What would you like? What advice would you give me?

Khrysten: Don't feel like you have to be so prepared that you are preventing yourself from posting. Yeah. Just post it, you know, you have a vision, you have an idea, be confident. I was 14 telling people I was a photographer.

Jen Thyrion: You know,

Khrysten: you, if you have a love and a vision and a passion for something, be confident.

Yes. Yeah. Yes. It could be making a logo and posting that and blank. Oh, coming soon. Yes. That that's good. Yes. He's building from there. I

Jen Thyrion: know that's, we were talking about that because I feel like I, so many times again, having a lot of experience with social media prior to the gold, Goldilocks with my other business, I always felt like.

It was never good enough. Like I, that, that would paralyze me because there was a lot of talk. Of course, the social media was getting, Instagram was getting bigger. I feel like there was a lot of pressure and like, it's great to get educated, but also at the same time, when you're like listening to like social media gurus or taking courses, you almost feel paralyzed sometimes you're like, I'm not perfect enough.

People talk about their grid and it being so cohesive. And I'm like, Oh my God, like, I just feel like I didn't know what to do first or what to talk about that. I would do nothing at all. You know what I mean? Which is obviously not the answer because I think when it goes back to it is like when the person finds you, they don't care.

They don't know the story behind you feel not feeling ready or perfect. They would just want to see what you offer. They don't know that you have imposter syndrome. No, like they don't. They probably have it too. You know, like they want to see your face and or just like what you offer and like they want to see things.

Otherwise they're not going to be your customer. And what's the point of having social media? Right. The point is to obviously. Get eyeballs on your business and show what you do and like, and show your face.

Khrysten: Yeah. People follow you and they continue to follow you because they like you, they know you and they trust you.

Yes. And they can't do that if you don't show on your face. Right. No, like your brand is, obviously you have a product or a service that you offer. You also have yourself because you're offering this and then you have the process. So there's so many things that you can feature and focus on when you're posting.

Making content and posting content doesn't have to be your face on every picture. Please don't do that if you're like, actually don't do that. Yeah. Don't do that. But if you're offering a service or a product, like you can focus on how, like, if you're making something handmade, like Goldie links, you can focus on the process of making the jewelry.

Yep. The jury itself, like there's, there's so many other things you can focus on rather than like, you know, taking a selfie and posting it. Like, yeah, of course.

Jen Thyrion: And I think too, people get like, don't want to, of course everyone has different, they don't might not want to show up in their stories and talk or they're not, they don't feel like they're that person where it's like, I don't want to be showing my face and talking about the aspects of my life.

And. I think that, of course, don't if you don't want to do what's comfortable for you, but I think what people assume is that like, even for me, I share random things and I show up in my stories, I share a lot of stuff about my girls and funny things, but like, it's not every aspect of my life, you know, about this very little, very little tidbits of like, and even if it's just something silly, like what you're like, if you love to cook, like sharing what you're making, like, so people can kind of get to know you, right.

I mean, you're not going to see me cooking very often. That's

Khrysten: how you got a new coffee machine. And we're over here drinking coffee from your new literally cheers. Oh my God. So it's just those little things. Like I share, I don't share a lot of things about my personal life on my personal Instagram that much anymore, really, because I've realized that I don't really want people to know.

What I'm having for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And what I'm doing at two and four and six. Like you can have a boundary when it comes to social media. Actually, you should have a boundary when it comes to social media. Um, I mean, safety, just your own personal feelings, but. It's okay to, to share little things about yourself here and there.

But even like if

Jen Thyrion: you follow Kristen, which you should, she talks a lot about skincare. You could tell that she's passionate about these things. Right. So like, not you're not sharing. Sure. Like the argument you had with your fiance last night. Yeah, I'm not saying she did. I'm just saying, um, we all have them.

So it's like, but still watching you. Like you do still get a sense of who you are, right? Like you are, do you share little things about your children and like funny things, you know, but it's not like where you're sharing every nook and cranny of your business or your life. And y'all would be like, it's like TMI

Khrysten: chaos, crazy.

Maybe I should,

Jen Thyrion: maybe that's a day in the life. I do love day in the life. So I do. I actually thought about doing that, but I'm like, we should, but I'm like, who would. Follow me around though. Like, I don't want to set up a camera everywhere I go. Like I just have to put it on like my, uh, do I volunteer it around my neck or something?

Yeah, we'll just each be like a fly on the wall one day in our lives. I'll just video you. Oh my God. Um, but behind this, speaking of that behind the scenes though, it's like, so like even simple things, I feel like we could create a list and we, now they say that we should do that and like offer it in like the show notes or like have it somewhere.

Just ideas of things to talk about in stories or even posts. Right? Like even you just putting new chains on your display, like literally unwrapping chains.

Khrysten: And that's so aesthetic. Yes. People love that. Not saying it has to be aesthetic to post. It doesn't, but just those little things you can put the chains up on your window seal, have the natural light coming in and just.

Placing the chains on it. That's so cute. Yeah, actually we should do that. I know. We're always

Jen Thyrion: thinking of amazing photos. Cause I know it's just, if you say it's just chains, cause it, these are just chains. Right. And they are really small and delicate and like most of them. So it's like trying to find unique ways to, cause I think some people just get lost, like, what do I even post today?

You know what I mean? Which is comes into play. Like, again, I don't want to keep plugging it, but Golden Link Society, we do have like monthly photos that we, and we want always in, Input on like what you want to see or what you need, but not only us, there's other resources too. You can get photos from, but we can do, we can, I know it's hard cause it's a podcast, so we're not, you know, can't see us.

So if you're watching this on YouTube, but within the society, we are going to have like a month where we talk about like how to take good photos on your own, you know what I mean? And just like how to set that up because I know that's a learning curve too. Yeah. Lighting is so important when it comes to metals because silver can look gold.

Gold can look silver. It's very, it's hard. It's difficult. Gold can't even, it doesn't even. No, and that's what I knew because I have been making jewelry forever. And obviously one of the things I've always tried and struggled with is taking photos of my jewelry. So I knew for sure, starting permanent jewelry.

I'm like, I am finding a photographer because I'm going to butcher this. And I want someone to like, have a vibe when they go to like my Instagram to really feel like, you know, I feel like if it's all iPhone photos, it's just not going to translate the same, you know, you can definitely tell the difference.

Khrysten: Yeah, I mean, the new iPhone does take really good photos, but only if you know, you're lighting, you know how to use, you have to, you have all the tools. You just have to know, know how to use them. That's true. That's so true. Which we can help you with.

Jen Thyrion: So what do you feel like? Do you feel, I know people feel like there's certain rules. I feel like that's not kind of out the door. Cause I know like It keeps changing. Yeah. I remember there being like, Oh, a certain time of day. And like, I don't know, like when to post, how many times to post, how many reels reels are not doing well now it's stagnant, but like, I don't know.

What are your suggestions when it comes to you?

Khrysten: So this has been a learning curve for me as well, because I, I manage, you know, other social medias and just kind of taking the data that I've gathered within the last few months is that Instagram is. Right. And it's basically like, think of it as like a computer and you're inputting all these little things, what you put into it, you're going to get out of it.

So whatever your little calculations are, you need to definitely be engaging with your followers and your audience, um, before you post, after you post on the days you're not posting, because if you're getting all this engagement and you're not, Putting anything out there back, Instagram is going to be like, Oh, they're not taking this seriously.

We're not going to keep pushing this person's content if they're not going to get back where they're, they're getting right. So yes, it definitely matters what time of day you post the day you post, which you should definitely be a creator account because you can look in your insights and see when you have the most followers active, when your engagement is the highest.

So it, it. It honestly does matter now. There are days where you can just randomly post something and then maybe the algorithm will like you that day and it'll just blow up and go crazy. Sure. I mean, it's hit or miss with that, but you definitely need to have a strategy, social media person helping you, you know, but if you don't have that luxury or you want to do it by yourself, just look into your insights and just have a strategy when you're posting.

Jen Thyrion: I know it's interesting cause like Chris and I were talking recently cause of course I'm always talking about trying to improve and be more consistent with my social and I have to say it's always my fault for not being consistent, but I like, that's what I think I didn't realize is like, I don't know why I just thought with not really having a hardcore strategy when it came to social.

So we're approaching it a little differently when it comes to having a strategy or really having very intentional posts of like, what do I want to talk about this week? You know? And it's helpful if you feel like, well, what is there to talk about? Well, it's like, there's always a holiday coming up or something you can always like touch on.

A national day of something. Yes. Or even if you just want to plug the fact that you're somewhere, like doing a pop up this Saturday, share a random stack photo and then just talk about, or like feature a chain. So we actually, I know I do the handmade chains, but we did a post Saturday morning on this pink opal chain that I have.

And literally like six people came in asking, cause I saw the post asking specifically, they were there specifically for that

Khrysten: chain. And we had a strategy for that. We did. You knew the chain was out. You knew it was popular and you knew you were going to be at that place at that time with that chain. And so we were like, we're going to post it.

Yes. And

Jen Thyrion: I know, and it's worked. So even if you don't have a special chain like that, but even like your best selling chain, right? Because I can't tell you many times people come to me and they're like, Oh my God, I'm constantly looking at your stories. I'm screenshotting stacks because I'm trying to get, yeah, like people need some people, a lot of people, most people need some or more.

Everyone needs inspiration. Right? Some people are more creative than others. They might see all my chains and be like, yep, I want this, this and this, but some people need to feel like they're like, I don't know, like I want one, but I don't know how to put it together. Or like, what do I want on it? So it's so great to just, even though you might not think, and that's why I think too, like we always think like, Oh no, that's not good enough to post about.

But like there's, yes, but there's always like this littlest thing. And I'm swear to God, like if you start just featuring, cause I really didn't even think of that. I was going to wait till all the opal chains route. I wasn't like, Oh, I'm not just going to feature us as one pink opal chain, but we did. And then it popped up.

You know what I mean? So now

Khrysten: we're going to keep Yes. Now we're like,

Jen Thyrion: lesson learned. And like with everything, it's like just trying, like seeing what people are, that's, what's so great about what we do. Cause we're talking to our customers all the time. So like we see them in person. So I'm always listening to them.

I'm always like, and people do love seeing like, okay, I took this adult hip hop class, which I'm actually starting up again. So stay tuned. I love those stories.

Khrysten: I'm so happy you started doing that.

Jen Thyrion: Those

Khrysten: are my favorite stories to watch of you. I don't have nothing to do with

Jen Thyrion: jewelry, but I share these hip hop classes and so, so many women will mention that.

And they also DMing me. Me too. Being like, where is this? I just want to try it because I see I'm not the best. And so then they feel that they give some, I know, but it's just so fun. So anyway, but they're like, so people will mention that, like when I see them at events or like talk about the hip hop or like my funny thing, my girls did like, you know what I mean?

So it's like, you'll hear from people what they're liking to like on, even if it's not by like so much comments, but it's like what people are like, if they're really following in your consistent on social, what people are like. Get a chat with you

Khrysten: about, you know, so, and I think that's, that's kind of like an easy thing for you as permanent jewelers is like, if you're sitting there listening to your customers and your clients about what they like and what they love, they're kind of doing your, your job for you.

Like you don't know what to post. What's it, what did the last client love? Like, which chain did they love with? Like, you can just highlight those things. Yeah. Like it's, it's doing the job for you.

Jen Thyrion: I mean, literally a great reel to make every single week is recapping your week before. Mm-Hmm. . I love that.

Which we kind do that. Yeah. Is like literally, I mean, I have a habit of just like taking a picture of every single stack I do. So I give all those to Kristen and she creates a reel and we talk about like, what, what do we call it? Uh, just like the stack mashup or what is stacks of the week or stacks of the week, or.


Khrysten: What did we call it? Stack Roundup. Stack Roundup. Actually, we should do that since the rodeo. Oh, that's a good idea. You need to feature some rodeo,

Jen Thyrion: but you're not really like, I'm not really a rodeo girl, but I mean, yeah, I mean, I have a, I have a horseshoe connector. That's about it. You know what though?

The charm bar. Yes. I have a lot of Western themed charm bar. Yes. Which that is so cute. It's so cute. Okay. So yeah, but this is like what we were saying is an easy post every week is just sharing the stacks from your past week or sharing a great story. Like, I want to get more into that too. So I'm actually like, I say these things, I'm not always great at them, but literally like I have repeat customers and if you've been doing this long enough, you probably do too.

And they have amazing stories of like why they got their stack. And if they want to share, like, it's almost like a testimonial, like sharing why they got it, why they love it, the meaning behind it. Like besties that came in, if they want to share their story of being besties, like there's so much opportunity and people would love that.

I feel like people would love to be featured on a post. Like, are you kidding? Yeah, I actually am putting that out on my stories today. That's it. I'm doing it. That's to ask, like, to ask, like, Hey, who wants to share your story? Like why?

Khrysten: Maybe like offer like a little. Deal or something, but yes, send me your stack and the meaning behind it and why you love it.


Jen Thyrion: it. Testimonials itself is such a great post because I feel like I always, I, when I see that, especially if it's, especially if it's a video and someone's like, you know, I, I'm sure I get, I get emotional because

Khrysten: it adds emotion to it and it puts a person behind. The photo or the products and it relates to the client watching it or the potential customer watching it.

Yes. So they're like, Oh, wait, I love this. I need that. Yeah. You know? So when you can connect with your audience on that deeper level, then it's really impactful.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah. And that's why I think comes to play too. Like. I think permanent jewelry more than ever, granted, I feel we're in the place of like, we do of course want to like know and trust anything we buy from.

But when it comes to us being that we're all like, again, touching on the fact that we are in person, we are, people are coming to us. They want to trust us. Like they want to feel comfortable with us if they're sitting down, even though it's just jewelry, like I can't tell you my people tell me really personal stories when they sit down and talk with me.

You know what I mean? Yeah. And it's like, so it ends up being like, I feel like I'm friends with my customers after a while. Which is cute. Which of course, so I feel like if you faceless accounts, do they work for some things? Yeah, probably. But not permanent jewelry. I feel like I, and not to say again, you have to show your face every post.

You probably shouldn't show your face every post, but you know what I mean? Like to share and show up at least in stories here and there. And yeah, and share your story, share

Khrysten: why you started permanent

Jen Thyrion: jewelry, like

Khrysten: it doesn't have to be so this elaborate story, but it's your story. And if you're

Jen Thyrion: scared, because I know I even have the girls that make jewelry for me, right?

The chains. And I asked them recently, Hey, we're going to do a photo shoot, which everyone also gets all like, Oh my gosh. And then also I'm like, can I have a bio? Cause I'd love to share, like, who's making these items. Right. And just like you said, though, it's always awkward. Like, what do you share about yourself?

And again, But take yourself out of the equation. Like just kind of picture yourself out, you were outside of yourself, right? Like you're your friend narrate

Khrysten: your life,

Jen Thyrion: seriously, almost, almost right about yourself. Like you were your friend, right? Like, what would you say about your friend or have your friend write it?

I don't know. That's actually a great, have your bestie write it, you know, but we were talking, we had the goalie link society, like a call today and we were discussing Instagram and just someone was paralyzed kind of by like, not knowing like where to start and just feeling like, cause I looked at her Instagram, like, girl, you have like three posts.

You need to like, so I said, please share the intro. Like, I need to do it every now and then too. I feel like I'm at a point where I could do another one, but I was like, share some just simple facts about yourself. If you reach out to someone and she wanted to be more in touch with like event planners and stuff in the area and kind of get connections with them.

I was like, but they're going to check you out. They're going to see who you are. And you're like, you know, and then if you just go there and there's like literally two posts and they're just chains, but they haven't, they're like, well, who are you? Like, who am I actually going to meet? They, um, don't think about it and get paralyzed by like, Oh my God, what am I going to say about myself?

It's about, I'm like, think about it. Like, what do they want to see? You know what I mean? Does that make sense? Get into the customer's mind and like, think about it when you go to, so think about it in the sense too, for your own business, when you're going to other people, you know, and like, what do you like seeing?

I mean, cause what do you, you post a lot, which is, you know, what do you get the most engagement on? You feel like the most,

Khrysten: I've been trying to figure this out recently. Yeah, honestly, I think the family stuff is getting the most, but that's, that's, what's hard is that having a lifestyle account like mine, when it taking it away from the business aspect and the business profile is that it's so hard to post consistently.

One thing is lifestyle. So you have family, you have skincare, you have random things, funny humor. Yes. So that is what's kind of hard about building a lifestyle account. Now. Because I don't really have one thing that I'm going to post about consistently. Yeah. Whereas when you have a brand like permanent jewelry, you're posting that one thing consistently.

So you're going to keep building that audience based on that.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah.

Khrysten: But it could be, you know, a static chain post, you know, that, that gets the most views and just keep posting that consistently while mixing other things into it.

Jen Thyrion: I like to like, personally, I'm trying to figure it out too, and be a little more mindful of how I post, but like, but I still want to be authentic.

I'm not trying to like, Oh, I'm going to post this because I know this will be But I'm talking about more or less in stories. So when I'm talking about story views, because I get a lot of like DMS and stuff through stories. And I, of course, I always want to keep consistent with my posts. Cause I feel like as we talk about, I feel like I want to picture that as my catalog, right?

And then stories, yes, it's your catalog. And that's why I don't post less, uh, posts about with my girls in my, in my feed. Right. Because I just want, I want it to be again, personal and my stories that goes away. You know what I mean? I don't want it to be, you know, I want Your stories

Khrysten: are where people get to know you.


Jen Thyrion: a hundred percent. Yes. And like, but this is, I do mix in some things and I sometimes I'm intentional about it because like I know some things will be crazy because of like a funny thing that the girls do. Yeah. Yeah. Like how Harper just like drew a pencil, look like a penis. Oh my gosh. Gosh, okay.

She's the funniest. So I'm like, I go up to her and I'm like, what is this? Because I'm like, first of all, it's hilarious and I wanna document this for obviously forever. Forever. Yeah. Yeah. And show her later in life. But not only I know I'm going to get a ton of DMS about that, and because I am, it's going to make the next story have more views.

So you, as you kind of do end up like weaving in some strategy, you know, cause you know, okay, like I'm going to post this. People are going to comment so much. It's going to push it up, you know, whatever the lineup, right? People are like going to get, View this more and then I want to see what can I put next that people are going to naturally go to and say, I want to know, they want them to know I'm at a pop up that weekend.

Like, okay, that's the next story. You know what I mean? Like, and then we posted the

Khrysten: opal chain after that. Exactly. So it was perfect. It was perfect. I have to just plan. And we really didn't even plan it. It just, no, it just kind of happens. Those opal photos on your kitchen counter. We did. You

Jen Thyrion: guys like, yes, they're great.

I know. And it was simple, like just video clips too, because you can just interject little, like even just have the chain moving or on your wrist and you're moving a wrist or something and just like those simple clips you can put together and make a real, you can literally just even have that for seven seconds and put text over that.

And that's a real, so again, I think, you know. And I still do it, but over complicate it, over think it. I think that's what it comes down to. I always think it's like, yes, or strategy. And we can learn so much. And we like already have this, like talking. But starting

Khrysten: out, just post it. Just post it. And that's, what's great about having the society is that literally have all these tools in there for you.

Yes. Done for you. You just got to do it yourself as well. And that's the thing, but see,

Jen Thyrion: that's why I'm saying like, you could have all the tools, but still what's going to hold you back is yourself, right? Your hole in your ceiling, you had all the tools to fix it and you did it. We're outside right now because someone's fixing a hole in my ceiling that we've had for a year and a half.

Oh my gosh. Can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink. Yes. There you go. There's a lot of analogies there, but like, anyway, it's just, I feel in the end, it's more of like with anything I do think it's a mindset thing and a confidence thing, but also I think that you gain confidence by doing. So the more you do and the more you hear from your customers, what they're liking, then you kind of know what to focus on.

Yeah. You know. You're your biggest roadblock. Hey, busy entrepreneur. As you know, being a business owner, you have to wear all the hats. You're a social media manager, marketer, graphic designer. designer, accountant, photographer, videographer, web designer, business coach, scheduler, and the list goes on. I know how overwhelming it can be, and this is why I created the Goldilinks Society.

It's our monthly permanent jewelry membership. We have a weekly call to talk about all the things, but not only that, including monthly photography and video to use for your social media and marketing, Canva templates, monthly business experts, Monthly training, support group discount and first dibs on Goldie Link supplies and more.

My intention is to create a beautiful community of permanent jewelers that wanna level up their businesses together by creating lasting friendships and having fun. This is what I wish existed when I started my business almost 10 years ago. If you wanna know more, check it out@goldielinkssociety.com or at all the things permanent jewelry.com.

I hope to see you there. So what made you like. So the network marketing is kind of where, like for social. Yeah. So where do you feel like that kind of set it off for you? Like with, uh, your following and kind of what made it, I

Khrysten: don't know. I don't know. Whenever I started network marketing in that particular company, there was a lot of training and tools.

And I just, Dove into it because I, at the time I was doing the photography full time and I was also a chiropractic assistant and I worked like two or three days a week, but the kids couldn't go to school. So I couldn't go and be a chiropractic assistant, which we, they, he ended up closing down during the pandemic anyway, but I was like, what can I do from home?

And make money with my kids here. I have to like be a teacher and a mom and also a provider. How I'm going to do this. I couldn't take photos. I couldn't go out and meet people. We're literally banned from doing that. And so, yeah, I just dove into all the trainings and there was a lot of social media training, a ton.

And at first I was like, I know how to do social media. Well, I post like every day, but it's like random. Like, I'm like, Ooh, look at my new. Yellow leggings from Amazon, you know, like I don't, I didn't even have a leak. Like I was just posting it. There was, there was just no substance to what I was posting, which is fine.

ook back at those videos from:

I was so scared. I was so, so nervous. I was not confident at all. Yeah. A lot of life has happened from then to now and I'm really thankful for that part of my life. Um, even though I don't do that specific company in network marketing any longer. Sure. It definitely taught me a lot. Myself, my photography business.

Complete confidence booster for sure.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah. And I think everyone too, there's, you're like, no matter how much you can tell yourself, you do get victim to comparisonitis when you go on. So that's also too, with starting a business, you might come across other promodulars or businesses in general that look beautiful.

Like it's just so curated, beautiful, just obviously professional. But this is the thing it never, especially if you're doing this yourself, like it's never going

Khrysten: to start off that way. You like, you. You have to see their day one. Don't compare your day one to someone's day. 986 exactly. Like you have to start somewhere.

And I think that's the, you have to think about it a different way. Don't think about it negative of like, Oh, mine doesn't look like that. Think of it of like, okay, mine looks like this now. And think about the growth three months from now. Yes.

Jen Thyrion: That's, that's so cool. Exactly. And I think all too, like taking it step by step, there's so much information we have at our fingertips now, like from listening to this and taking tips, like to for like courses.

I mean, there's, it's kind of, it's a beautiful place we're in, but it's also paralyzing, like I said, it's overwhelming, so it's like. Take one step at a time. Like, what do I want to focus on first? You know, and don't think you have to have it so perfect in the first few posts you post, like if you've been doing this long enough, you can think back to your first event and be like, Oh my gosh, like how much I've grown.

I mean, think about anything in your life, right? Like it's crazy. Day one versus day, like you said, 975, you know? So I think just taking it step by step and focusing on like one thing, one aspect of it or something, and then taking it from there, what app do you use to put together video for reels? I

Khrysten: honestly just do it in Instagram.

You do it in Instagram? Oh. I feel like Instagram likes it better. Okay. If I'm posting on TikTok, I do TikTok. I just, Edit everything in Tik TOK, but Instagram, I just use Instagram. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. I don't use any outside thing that, okay. So that might be a little confusing to someone because if you don't know how to do like the trimming and the clipping and the speed up and the split, do we need to cover that in the webinar?

Probably. It can be overwhelming, but I will say a little trick to this is, is whenever you're videoing clips that you're going to like. Post for a real, literally clip it, post little or take little videos. Okay. Here's one chain. Just take a little two, three second video. So then that way, you're not having to spend time going to this 12, 10, six minute video.

Trying to trim it. Trying to trim it. It'll save you time. Okay. How do you feel about live photos? Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah. Live photos. I always have live on when you're taking photos. So you're in,

Jen Thyrion: and you have the new iPhone, right? The newest iPhone. Cause I feel like mine doesn't take as clear of a photo when I'm doing it.

The live, am I just

Khrysten: challenged? Maybe, maybe you have to go into settings. There's like different HDR, 4k, all these different settings in the actual camera setting, like don't go to the camera app, go into your settings, then scroll down, click camera, and you have to fix it.

Jen Thyrion: See, this is why you talk to someone who truly knows.

Cause my brother works for Apple and I was telling him he was here recently. And I'm like, John, I swear, like, I feel like I'm 60 years old. Like, I don't know how to use my, I am using my camera. I'm so excited to get a new iPhone and I feel like they're turning out fuzzy. He's like, turn live off. Live is so dumb.

And I'm like, Oh, you have

Khrysten: to like, okay. I was like, well, Kristen told me. Yeah. No, and live is great because if you, I am venturing more into video only on my phone, more than photo. Cause I do photos on my camera, but live is so good. If you're forgetting to take a video and you take a photo, you just turn it into a video.

I know. Real. It is perfect.

Jen Thyrion: Yes.

Khrysten: So good. So true. Yeah. Cause you

Jen Thyrion: can use it either way. Yeah. Okay. And that's, we're talking to iPhone. I don't know if Android has the same thing. I don't know. I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry about Android. I don't

Khrysten: know. Is this an ad? Is this an Apple ad? We should call your brother.


Jen Thyrion: We should ask somebody with Android. I thought some people liked it because it took better photos at one point, but maybe iPhone has, no. My

Khrysten: mom has Android.

Jen Thyrion: Does she? Okay. Oh no.

Khrysten: Not here to hate on it. I'm just saying. Yeah. Can you

Jen Thyrion: compare the two photos? Really? Okay. Good to know. Yeah. But like you said, I know it's, I think people, cause there was a time too, where I felt like I needed a super fancy camera and I did buy one at one point and I thought that was the answer.

And then I've been, now we're at a place where iPhone is like the photos are pretty legit. Yeah.

Khrysten: That's the thing. If you are just starting out and you are literally doing this. Buy yourself and you have an iPhone. The new iPhone takes great photos. Yeah. So don't feel like you have to do. And we have great photos for you on the society.

So I feel like we keep saying that, but I mean, it's so true. That's like the biggest road. Well, I know. I don't mean to sound like salesy. I hate

Jen Thyrion: that. Like

Khrysten: I'm not here to say like, Oh yeah, it's just a resource. Other

Jen Thyrion: resources to not saying there's not, it's not just me. And this is the thing. Like, I just know that's why I created it because I had a business prior to permanent jewelry, that that is what I.

Struggled with was photos and having decent quality, like content to share because I did want my brand to come off a certain way. You know what I mean? Like you, as you know, like, and also having a boutique prior, I knew the way you merchandise something, you can make it look like it's from Walmart or you can make it look like it's from anthropology.

You know what I mean? So like photos and merchandising and even your, say you're set up, okay. Say you set up your permanent jewelry and you just had a ranky freaking Folding table with no tablecloth and you had your stuff like draped on all tangled up, draped on like one of your kid's toys, which

Khrysten: is fine.

If you have the right now, do you, but,

Jen Thyrion: or think about if you had a beautiful tablecloth and had a professional display. Like obviously what person is going to think that those chains are a hundred dollar chains that are like displayed on like a table that's all painted up or like your, your whatever, your kid's picnic table.

Yes, exactly. So that's, it's just so important to be intentional and think about those things. And I knew that going into this, that's why I'm like photographer. Social media. Yes, please. You know,

Khrysten: and you had a vision. Yes. You knew what you wanted. It's, I feel like it's just evolved since the beginning of, Oh, like completely added so much, changed so many things.

So it's just like going back to it, where you start is not going to be where you are now or where you end up or where you go. Like it's just, it's a process.

Jen Thyrion: Yes. And even in the membership, what I have is one of the things it's like a business roadmap where it's like those questions to ask yourself, because.

I love that you brought that out because it's one thing, of course, when you're starting to like, think about how I want my look to be, what do I want my brand to say? What is my intentions behind? What do I want my brand voice to be? What's my ideal customer? All those crazy questions. Right. But it's great to check in and keep doing that because you evolve and things do change a little bit.

Khrysten: Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. Even from when I started to do photography, I would shoot anything, anyone, you know, you want your photos taken? I'm going to do it. Yeah. And I think recently I've honed down into just doing branding and offering family sessions, you know, a few times a year to like my local continual clients, but also weddings.

Like I, I'm having a huge like love and passion for micro weddings specifically right now. I just love it. I love the ease of the day, especially now being a fiance. I have like more feelings about it. And because before I took myself out of that equation, I'm never getting married. I don't, you know, whatever, but now I'm just like, oh, I really have a passion for this.

So it's like, you're like, your vision can change. So

Jen Thyrion: true. Oh, especially in throughout your life. Like, Oh yeah. I can think back to when I started making jewelry. I lived in Vegas and I was making like these big, Statement earrings and like, Oh yeah, like I was making huge. And that's what's so funny. Cause what do you think of me?

Oh my God, it was ridiculous. Like I wish I would've kept more things, but big statement necklaces, big earrings. Cause I was a massage therapist. I couldn't wear anything. My wrist was big on earrings and big on necklaces. Right. Would I make that stuff? Not no, but also styles change, but also I changed from freaking 22 years old to now.

Right. So it's like, it's just, you know, you change and like you said, Photography is someone says that like photography. It's, there's a lot of photographers, but there's specialties. That's why I knew going to find a photographer, if they were purely and they never done any like product photography or anything, I'm like, no, even if I like their style, that's not my jam because they're not going to know how to take product photography.

Like there's, there's niches in everything, even in permanent jewelry, there's niches, right? So it's like, what is your niche? Who are you? You know, I mean, boudoir photographer, there's a million

Khrysten: different types of photography. I could do it, but it's not like my passion. It's not your passion. That's what I'm saying.

Like, yeah. Yeah. There's a Buddhism. I would. You want to do it. Like I'll make you look great, but I would, I would pick branding over.

Jen Thyrion: Yes. And you're so good at it. So you do brand, you also are social media manager for a few other. And tell me the story about like how they wanted to like do certain types of like.

Or they were trying to stay away from certain types of posts. And you were like, no, yeah. And then it like went viral

Khrysten: and the one account specifically has grown 50, 000 followers in a month from where she already was. Like now she's 50, 000 more than what she already was. So what do you think was a

Jen Thyrion: hesitation?

And what did you do that you were like, no, I feel that this is a good decision. Like. that they were.

Khrysten: So I was just looking at social media on her profile as someone who wanted to get the services done that she offers. Okay. And I think I just looked at it and I was like, okay, well, if I wanted to get this service done, like what would I want to see from her?

What would I want to see from this account? And I just took that, spun it, told her. Yeah. And she just put her education expertise and what she's good at into it. And it just, it just took off. That's awesome. And I've just kept telling her the same thing since then. And it's, it's been the same result. So, yeah.

And that's

Jen Thyrion: what's so great. Again, going back to us, it's like, well, when you, you have the luxury of talking to your customers. So it's like, what are you talking about? What are they, again, if they saw a post specifically, what was exciting about what they saw? Like, then you can play into that when you like are doing your post.

Like, I don't know, that's why the connection piece is so important to talk about. And that's why I love the idea of actually talking about their stories behind the bracelets more, because if someone is looking for something, a special piece, and they go to your Instagram and they see someone talking about this meaningful piece of jewelry, that whether it's like some, you know, kind of.

Memorializing somebody or anyway, dedicate to their children, whatever it is, right? There's

Khrysten: a meaning and emotion behind something. I think it's, it's priceless. So if, if, if a price is a, a stopping point for some people, if they have a meaning and emotion behind it and they're like, Oh, I need that. They're going to, They're going to get it.

Jen Thyrion: I know everything has to play into emotion somehow, whether you're being entertained and it makes you laugh. Cause as you know, we're like reels, but you're always like sending them to your friends. Like, Oh my God.

Khrysten: So relatable.

Jen Thyrion: Relatable. And that's why I was actually, that word came up to mind when you were telling me earlier, like it's not even, it's just relatable.

And yes. So you want to obviously share jewelry cause it's pretty and people want to, you know, want to know. And that's entertainment in a way. Cause obviously it's visually pleasing, whatever, but it's like, if you're not interjecting some kind of. More relatable content within that it's, it can fall flat.

You know what I mean? So I think like just throwing that stuff in that relatable, just funny life moments, like you don't have to go deep, but you literally can just share like a poll. Like what do you like better Coke or Pepsi? Like people love to share their opinions and that's relatable. Like everyone's had a Coke or a Pepsi, right?

Khrysten: Story I shared yesterday about. My baby, Indie, needing help with, cause she sucks on her arm. Yeah, I saw that. I needed to elaborate more on that. Cause she doesn't suck on her arm because she's teething. She sucks on her arm to soothe herself. Yeah, so she's not

Jen Thyrion: a thumb sucker. She's an arm

Khrysten: sucker. I got over like 300 responses.

No way. Like my phone is, my Instagram is insane right now. No way. I've never gotten that much response. On anything. And it's because people love to share their opinion, especially about like your children and they love to help. People love to help. And they want to help. They're like, Oh, I did this with my kid and it worked.

It was amazing. And I'm like, Oh, it's at this point I'm overwhelmed. I don't even know where to start. Yeah. I'm just going to put some bandages on her arm. I don't even know. But I'm just like, Wow. So I need to start posting more questions about what to do with my children. Well, I mean,

Jen Thyrion: yeah. And I mean, I love, I mean, I truly love to hear people's opinions.

So like, even just when it's comes down to even sharing chains, like, do you, what are you a better silver gold girl? Or what, what change you like better? Like getting people's opinion. Should I add this chain? Like, especially when you're adding bangles. There was so

Khrysten: much response about that. Yes, for sure. So much.

Yeah. I mean, Asking people their opinion is, yeah, you're going to get a lot of engagement on that.

Jen Thyrion: I know. So I was going to say like, what do you feel is the best ways to actually guess, piggyback on that? Like to boost engagement,

Khrysten: have interactive posts or stories, have sticker taps, have links, have polls, question boxes.

I mean, all those things where people can put their input and, and when you're posting, have a call to action in your caption. Didn't mean to rhyme there, but so say like for our pink opal post, what was it? Like, are you, tell me if you're coming to get this chain or something like that, or, or have you been, what's a chain you've been wanting to see comment below?

Like things like that, that gets people interactive on a post. Like that's definitely how and

Jen Thyrion: don't get discouraged if you don't get interactions, I have to say, I don't get them as interaction as opposed as I do stories and then people will comment to me again cause I'm seeing them, they'll comment about seeing the things, but somebody like, as you know, you're a type of social media person.

Okay. Either you're like Jordan, my husband who scrolls and never likes or comments anything ever. Okay. He's just, yeah, he's a little creeper just like looking at stuff, but never ever comments or, you know, interacts in any way, but he's still consuming it. Yeah. Don't, don't take for granted. Even if you get two likes on a post, some people are still, they're still seeing that.

Yeah. And I, I find myself doing that, which I'm glad you mentioned earlier is like interacting. Cause again, same with everything in life, right? What you put out is what you get back. So if you're, if you want interaction, interact. Right? Yeah. Yeah. So like I think about that when the tip option comes up when I go to places.

I'm like, well, this is good karma. Yeah, I know. I'm going to support this small business because I want to be supported. So yes, I'm going to tip you every time. But yeah, I just think that, but just be aware of that. Like, you know, I feel like there was a time where I would be like, So preoccupied or like about my likes, like how many likes I got?

Yes. Hyper focused. Yes. And it would just, it would literally play into my emotional state. I go, I'm not going to post another one. Yes. Because I'd be like, Oh my God, no one likes me. I should just shut

Khrysten: everything down. Stop it. Getting so dramatic. And one thing, one thing that I do after, right after I post something is I hide the like count.

Do you? Okay. For myself. And because I feel like Okay. This might sound crazy. I feel like it's a little bit of a strategy because think about if you're scrolling through Instagram, TikTok, whatever your platform is, and you see like a really good post, but you, and it's from someone that like, I don't know, maybe you are look up to, or it's a business and they only have a few likes.

You're probably not going to like it. I know. Right. It's like a mind thing. It's not because you're like passing hate or you're whatever. It's just, it's just a thing. But if you see that a lot of people are liking it. You're going to like it. You're going to comment. You're going to share it. It's so true.

It's just, it's a thing. So I always have my like count. I always do until it's has so many and then I'll, I'll show it again. Okay. It's wild, but it works.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah, it really does. No, I think you're right. It's funny how, and we don't even, we don't even consciously, I think it's just, yeah. And I don't think we consciously like are making those decisions.

Like if I see a post, I'm like, Oh, I'm not gonna, you know, but it's like. It's true.

Khrysten: Okay. I know. I don't take it as like, seriously, maybe it's so true. It's so weird how our brains are like, it's just a calculated

Jen Thyrion: thing. It's almost like to when it's like that whole thing of urgency. If you like have so many limited things and you're, you obviously like, you get more hyped about it and you want it because you're like, Oh my God, there's so many available.

It's how I feel when I go to home goods because I might not see it again. Right. And I might have to search every home goods to see. I've done that before. Like when I was, Furnishing my home. And I found this table and I'm like, I didn't buy it. And they don't hold stuff. They hold it for like an hour. So then it was gone.

And I had to like, I literally went to all the home goods in the Denver area to try to find this table. I was so sad, so sad. And then it happens to the market I'm at, you know, inside of the boutique, because there's a lot of one of like, it's one of a kind, a lot there. And people will get so upset when they come back and it's gone.

Khrysten: Yeah.

Jen Thyrion: So anyway, that's, there's a mental thing that happens with that, right? It's like, you know, that if like, if you know you have time, you'll take your time. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I think. Yeah. When you see, cause I, we all do it. Like you, you find someone, you go to their account and like, if they only have 200 followers versus a 10, 000, it's just like, there is some mental.

Yeah. Like maybe it's just again, like validation or something. So anything else we want to end with, we are actually doing a webinar inside the society with Kristen going through like, you know, so you can see things. Yes. We are like totally doing a webinar with a Q and a after within the society. So the recording will always be in there.

So whenever you join, whenever you hear this, you always have access to it. Um, we, we are doing it early August. So if you're hearing this, like right now, you should, you should be a member, join us and then you can ask any questions afterwards and, and that'd be great. And then you can really, like, we can really go through.

The nitty gritty of all the things, get into it for sure. And then we'll do another like photography one of like how to again, take great photos that'll only serve your social media and your marketing. Like there's so many great ways to share, like if your website, I mean, gosh, like all that's so important.

So I don't know anything else you want to leave us with, like what, any

Khrysten: advice you want to give? I'll be repeating myself, but just don't. Don't get caught up in being perfect. Just post it, just get out there. If you love it, you have a passion for it, and you want to grow. Like, don't, don't fall into comparison itis, you know?

And get, get uncomfortable. Because being in your comfort zone will be like, staying in your comfort zone will, Definitely kill your dreams in your

Jen Thyrion: business. Yes, for sure. And I learned that. Do you see the difference being in network marketing? Cause you, you are currently with a couple of different companies now when you originally started.

Khrysten: Yeah.

Jen Thyrion: Do you see a difference in like, I want to go back to this real quick, actually.

Khrysten: Yeah.

Jen Thyrion: When we were talking about relatability, but like how we follow things for like Entertainment versus like anything that causes emotion, right? Like whether it be stirring up like weepy emotions versus laughing or whatever.

Yeah. But honestly, we love transformation. We love transformation. It's like before and afters. Oh my God. Oh my

Khrysten: gosh. The best. That's when you can see it. Yeah. And if you are, it's inspiring. Solving someone else's problem with your transformation. Oh my gosh, I need it now. Yeah.

Jen Thyrion: So, yeah. So what do you feel, do you see an uptick in sales for your, the network marketing when you post certain things or you're more consistent, like, what do you feel like makes, I don't know, is there a difference in sales that you see?

Khrysten: It's, it all goes into the transformation and the before and after it's because you're hitting an emotion for someone. Cause if it's like, for me, it was acne. And I had a really crazy transformation of a before and after and my sales and views and engagement and everything skyrocketed as soon as I posted that because it was relatable to people.

My other friend who's in network marketing as well had a crazy before and after. Which is what sold me to purchase the same products for skin care. And it's just crazy because I was like, Oh my gosh, I don't even have those skin issues, but her before and after is insane. And now I need it. You know, she told me, so yeah, going back to posting things that have emotion, getting into your.

Potential customers mind, it

Jen Thyrion: matters. And I think some people are like scared to even like, you know, they might be, it kind of gives people permission to, which I love, like when you get more vulnerable on that thing, you have to be insanely vulnerable. I'm just saying when you're sharing here, you were sharing like photos you probably didn't love of yourself.

Oh my gosh. Right. That was horrible. And, but it's like, you know, that gave people permission to be like, okay, like, gosh, this gorgeous woman had these issues. Like, oh my God. Like we're all, we're all human. Okay. We all have like the, the same weird thoughts and you know what I mean? Like we all have our issues.

Yes. We all have our hangups. And I think that, you know, again, I

Khrysten: think being relatable. Yes. People love that. People love to know that you are. You have problems too.

Jen Thyrion: It's so true.

Khrysten: So being on your stories, being relatable, you can even like kind of get into like day in the life of a permanent droller. like things that haven't gone right or something, but you're so happy that now you're here with your clients, your Lincoln people.

I don't know. Just kind of spinning off.

Jen Thyrion: I love seeing behind the scenes of any business. I mean, I know that of course, you know, but I love seeing like, if you were set up your phone and you're setting up for a pop up or a market, like showing that and like speeding it up, like, you know, like time lapse or something like

Khrysten: that.

ASMR of like. Putting like charms in the bank or chains, like the sound. Like I love watching that. Oh yeah. That will get me on Tik TOK for like hours. I'm like, where did the time go?

Jen Thyrion: Okay. I'm going to continue. We can talk about this all day, but I forgot to touch on this. Tik Like what, what are your thoughts on like as being permanent jewelers and like having more localized business I

Khrysten: want to touch on, you know,

Jen Thyrion: like, how do you feel?

Khrysten: If you're more local and you're wanting to get more, I mean, consistent clients or returning, yeah, I would say Instagram. TikTok is where you're going to get, it's really easy to grow on TikTok to get a following on TikTok because you can be more controversial. You can be. More outspoken about things. It's a completely different platform.

And that's what people get caught up with. They try to treat Instagram like TikTok, and then they don't get the results that they're wanting to yield. And so it's just because it's different. TikTok is if you're just wanting to have a big following and you're wanting to get your name out there. And yeah, Instagram is where you're going to build like that authentic audience and repeat customers, you know, especially for you.

I feel like from when. You started to now you've, you've had growth and those are all authentic, like real people following you that are local,

Jen Thyrion: you know? Right. Which was so cool to do from the beginning because I did love Harper boutique as my other Instagram, which is still there, but it says I've moved cause I just combined the two.

Cause it was just too much to handle both. But I did, you know, this is back in the day when I didn't know what I was doing and paid for like, where you pay for followers. So you see at this point I have like 5, 000. They're not real. I don't even know. There's probably like. 20 real followers. I have

Khrysten: no idea.

And that messes up your algorithm. It does. If you buy followers, it messes up your algorithm. Please don't do that. And it was

Jen Thyrion: just like, and I didn't know what I was doing. And over time, like obviously just kind of zeroing more on being just authentic. Like, I hate to say, and I know this also, we play into the numbers and, you know, but it's like 300 followers, picture 300.

We'd like, I love this nailed you when you hear it, like 300 people in a room. That's a lot of people. Yeah. I mean, my wedding alone was one 10 and that was too many. And they're not having to

Khrysten: like put attention on all those people. Exactly. Yes. And not just, Oh, you purchased from me by, I'm never going to talk to you again.

If you're building relationships with people, that is a lot of people to have a relationship with. Right. And that's the one thing with network marketing that I hated was, I just felt like it was just like a number to people. And so for me. Even to this point, I have multiple businesses and a lot of customers and a lot of clients and a lot of people doing business with me, but I still keep the relationship aspect alive.

So I'm not just this huge, you know, mega influencer with a hundred thousand followers and I just want your sale because I'm going to get commissioned off of it. Like, no, like I want to follow up with you. How's your skin doing? How's this doing? This product, you know? So building relationships. Completely.

It's all about

Jen Thyrion: relationships. And that's why, like, honestly, I try my hardest to like, someone DMs, don't. I mean, try and DM as soon as you can back because it's like, you just want to treat every customer. I know I've said this a lot of times, but like you treat every customer like they're whoever you look up to.

Like I always use Taylor Swift as an example because Swifties, you know, are just the thing. So it's like picture every customer, Taylor Swift, how would you, how would you treat her? Like you wouldn't be letting her hang. Okay. In your, in your inbox, you would be like, I'll get to her next week. Right.

Khrysten: He's so grateful.

Jen Thyrion: Exactly.

Khrysten: I love, I love when people message me. Me too. I do

Jen Thyrion: message me. I'll voice memo you back. Guaranteed. Yes.

Khrysten: I will too. Unless I have screaming children.

Jen Thyrion: Oh my gosh. I know so many times I'm like, And oh, my girls will, I try to do what my girls aren't around because if I'm around my girls now and they know I do it so often, they'll go in the background.

They'll be like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They mess up my voice memo all the time. I'm like, okay, guys, I have to walk outside for one minute and do this voice memo. But okay. Good to know. But TikTok, what I have to say, it's a great way to know what the trends are

Khrysten: happening.

Jen Thyrion: Oh

Khrysten: my

Jen Thyrion: God.

Khrysten: Instagram is always behind.

And Kristen keeps me up to date with the trends. Yeah. Yeah. Like the audios that you see trending on Instagram are from months ago from TikTok. So, so that is good if you're building in TikTok and you're, you know, getting those trends, you can always be like the first to bring it over to Instagram and that's how you go viral.

Jen Thyrion: I know. I, I definitely, I'm not on TikTok and I get scared because I don't want to waste hours of my life. Cause I know, um, but it's almost like I need it, which you can be, I guess my, my TikTok, like. I don't even know what you call a style forecaster. Like you, or you can see what's happening. So you can bring it over to Instagram and let it, let it, what's the weather like at TikTok?

Because like, and there's one episode I have coming up. She's amazing. We were talking about, she actually was very up on what was happening on TikTok. And I'm like, okay, I need someone who's going to tell me what's happening. Like Kristen just did last week. She's like, these necklaces are trending on TikTok.

And so I, sure enough. Got those necklaces to put in my shop because they're just like, yeah, we're wearing them right now. Just like colorful fun. So anyway, but yeah, it's, it's helpful to know what the trends are for sure. Having like a tick tock style person, like a little radar. I know a little, yeah. Okay.

Where can we find you? Kristen, we wanna follow and stalk you. You can find me

Khrysten: on the Instagram, on the social webs , um, Instagram. Kristen, what is my Instagram? I think it's, it's Kristen Hollis. Yeah. But

Jen Thyrion: how do you spell Kristen? Because it's unique. Oh my gosh. So

Khrysten: it's K-H-R-Y-S-T-E-N and then H-O-L-L-I-S.

Hollis. Yes. Hollister. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I'm on, I'm on TikTok too. You can follow me. Okay.

Jen Thyrion: Yeah, we'll link it all, of course. And then, yeah, I hope you see her. And then you can see all her photography. Mm-Hmm. And video. Inside the society, like we've been talking about, you can go to all the things permanent jewelry where you can see all the things, but we also again, we'll be doing diving deeper in a webinar with a Q and a inside the society coming up literally in like a week.

So if you're listening to this and you're right when it comes out, but otherwise the recording will be in there for you. And we'll answer questions within the Facebook group too. If you have further questions, if you come, if you join after. The webinar is live, so always there to help, but okay. Yeah, this was fun.

This was so fun. I know. I got to know you a little better. I know.

Khrysten: Hopefully this was helpful.

Jen Thyrion: Yes, I think it was. Thanks guys. Well, how do you feel? I hope you found value in today's episode and you walk away feeling inspired. I would love to hear from you. Let's link up. You can find me on Instagram at GoldieLinkSociety.

You can find out more about our permanent jewelry membership at GoldieLinkSociety. com. Our handmade permanent jewelry supplies of connectors, chain, and more at GoldieLinksSupplies. com. Okay, I will see you next time. Have a golden day.

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Goldie Links Permanent Jewelry Podcast
How to create and sustain a permanent jewelry business
Goldie Links is a podcast on the how-to's, inspiration, and all things to create and sustain a thriving permanent jewelry business. Create a successful, scalable, and, most of all, fulfilling business. We share all the tips, tricks, suppliers, and marketing and chat with fellow permanent jewelers! We are a believer in community over competition over here at Goldie Links - we want to see you win. Learn what it means to grow your own Goldie Links business and be a part of an amazing community of women that are passionate about jewelry, fun, and community